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"Posie Parker... cute name."

"Oh shut it, or I'll do your face in."

Asset 01 smirks at me before walking over to the edge, where one of the barricades are missing. I follow him, and we both look down to see Captain America pulling himself back onto the helicarrier.

"He'll be heading for the computer files." Asset 01 says before running off. I look down to see Captain America running, and I spin on my heel to keep up with The Winter Soldier. We climb down several flights of steps until we are at the bottom of the helicarrier in a large glass bowl of sorts. We walk cautiously along the mesh wire walk away, stopping when we see Captain America.

He stops and stares at us as we stand side by side. "People are gonna die Buck. I can't let that happen."

Buck? Is that Asset 01's real name? Buck. What kind of name is Buck?

Neither of us says anything, just watching as Captain America speaks. "Please don't make me do this." I narrow my eyes, waiting, knowing that he will throw the shield. I step back the minute he raises his arm, launching the red and blue disk in our direction. The Winter Soldier raises his arm in preparation and catches the disk, throwing it back.

I grab my gun and start to shoot, but the bullets simply ricochet off of the shield as it ends back up in Captain America's arms. He begins to advance towards the pair of us. Whilst I shoot at Captain America, Asset 01 attempts to punch him with his metal arm. I watch as one of the bullets finally make it past the shield grazing along his torso. It is a deep enough graze to draw blood.

Captain America draws the shield back and slams it into Asset 01, sending him backwards. I pocket the gun and pull out my katanas. I run forward, bringing the blades forward, slashing them through the air. The metal blades bouncing off the shield. I step back and launch a kick, my foot just tucking behind the shield. It is enough for me to push the shield away and swing my blades forward. One of my katana strikes Captain America on the arm that has the shield. The blade does more than graze the suit. It rips into his flesh. Blood drips onto the mesh wire, and I smirk in satisfaction.

However, my foot is still hooked around the shield, so Captain America sends me flying over the rails as he shoves me to the side with one clean movement. I land with a thud on the bottom of the glass bowl and lookup. "Arsehat."

Captain America moves forward and punches a number on the computer system, and the chips move forward. It clicks into my brain as I realise what he is trying to do. I look around and locate some bars that will assist me in moving to get back up. I begin to pull myself upwards, whilst Asset 01 charges at Captain America. He swings his own blade wildly, and I realise that I no longer have my katanas on me. I look back down to see they are at the base of the fishbowl where they landed. I groan but continue to pull myself upwards.

Captain America plants a kick right into The Winter Soldiers chest, forcing him backwards. It allows him enough time to grab one of the chips from the machine and pocket it in his belt. I manage to pull myself up onto the mesh wire bridge, where I launch myself onto Captain America's shoulders. Using the forward motion, I swing him around and send him to the ground. I forward roll away from him, grabbing my handgun from the belt. Aiming it as I stand up.

Asset 01 charges at Captain America and engages in a fistfight before giving a guttural shout as he tackles him over the edge of the mesh wire bridge. I look down to see they are fighting on a support structure below the bridge. Seeing that the chip has been knocked from Captain America's hands, I jump off the side, landing on the same structure, running towards the object.

I try to dodge Asset 01 and Captain America, who are locked in another fistfight. Asset 01 pushes him, and he goes flying down the structure, just so happening to grab the chip on the way down. I rush forward and grab Captain America's hand, slamming it into my knee, prying it at the same time. His hand loosens, and the chip drops onto the bottom of the glass bowl. I let go and am about to go after it when Captain America grabs me by the back of my head, slamming my face into his knee, before throwing me off the structure.

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