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Third Person Point of View

A sixth individual lands down near Posie Parker, a grey replica of Iron man, with Rhodey inside. He raises his arms whilst the gun on his shoulder locks onto Posie. "Stand down. NOW!" Posie keeps her arms in the air while Captain America flips his shield onto his back, symbolising his surrender. "Congratualtions, Cap. You're a criminal."

Over ten men move forward, swarming in on the group. One of them kicks Bucky behind the knee, sending him to the ground, whilst another moves towards Posie. The second someone grabs her shoulder, she flips them over, slamming their back into the tarmac. She spins around, holding the person's gun closest to her, pulling them in close before swiping their legs, trying to pry the weapon out their hands, when a loud bang fills the air.

"Posie, are yo-" One the soldiers silences Bucky, who squirms, trying to see if the girl is okay.

Smoke from the gun on the shoulder of Rhodeys suit drifts upwards. Steve Rogers glances away from him towards the girl. He winces when he sees the bullet hole in Posies stomach. She lets go of the gun, fingers moving towards the bullet wound as more blood stains her suit. She is tackled to the ground as shock from the bullet wound distracts her. The knee of the soldier digs into her back, adding to the increasing pain in her abdomen. Several other men move forward to assist her restraint, removing her belt full of weaponry.

It isn't long before a long military truck pulls up, along with a van and several more police cars. Posie is lifted upwards and dragged to the truck, where two large glass containers sit. An oversized metal chair with metal restraints awaits Bucky and Posie.

Posie is lifted in first, and once she is securely locked away with the glass container sealed shut, they bring in Bucky. The glass containers face inwards towards each other, allowing for Posie to glare at her target while Bucky looks away. There is little room for much else with the two large glass cells, but several guards squeeze on board, watching the two criminals. While Bucky and Posie are locked up, the others are escorted into the van, following closely behind the truck.

The truck begins to move, and Posie presses her lips into a thin line, unamused. She looks ahead to see Bucky staring at her intently. "Got a problem?"

"You're still under their control?"

An image of The Winter Soldier being strapped down in a chair, being subjected to electroconvulsive therapy fills her mind. "Stop," she whispers, trying to remove the unwanted memory.



"Do you remember me?"

"You're my mission."

"We were partners. "


"You're name is Posie Parke-"

"SHUT UP!" She roars, breathing heavily. The guards stand up, waiting to see what she will do next.

Bucky sighs and looks away, while Posie ends up closing her eyes, trying to move against the restraints to find a better position. Bucky watches her squirm, watching silently as her breathing becomes shallow and her face goes white. "Are you okay."

Posies eyes snap open, staring at the man across from her. "I've been shot three fucking times. What the hell do you think," she snarls.

"You'll be getting medical attention once we arrive at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre in Berlin." One of the soldiers interrupts.

"Don't bother." she grunts, closing her eyes once more.


"Hail HYDRA traitor." Posie falls silent, ignoring anything more that comes from Bucky. It was an eighteen-hour drive from Bucharest to Berlin, so Posie Parker fell asleep.

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