Twenty Three

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It had been a few months since the explosion of the HYDRA facility in New Mexico. Has much changed since then? Yes and no.

We are currently in South America in Peru, hiding from United States officials who had put out a nationwide warning about The Shadow and her two accomplices. Our mission of targeting HYDRA was going alright till now. After the explosion, we headed to California, where a couple of hiding HDYRA members were from our original list. Jamal had a friend who could make fake passports to allow us to travel across the borders to flee and move to South America, where there were also a couple of hiding HYDRA agents.

Due to there being fewer people to hunt down in South America, it gave the three of us plenty of time to work through the many files we had stolen. As well as try to determine if the second HYDRA facility. Thomas Pierce had mentioned in one of his meetings about a second facility, but he never specified where. So using all the resources and time, we made a list mapping out all possible locations.

In between hunting and trying to understand HYDRA, I had taken on the task of trying to teach both Tyrone and Jamal how to fight. Despite where they grew up and the violence imposed on their life since they were young, they lacked the skills to fight correctly. It was interesting, to say the least, to fight them. Tyrone was far bigger than Jamal or I and often used that to his strength, whilst Jamal was faster. Neither was very good and couldn't last more than a minute against me, but they were getting better. But I won't tell them that.

"Use your whole body Tyrone! Use your size to your advantage! Don't hold back!"

"I don't want to hurt him though!"

In that moment of him being distracted, Jamal darts forward, grabbing Tyrone's arm and spinning him around, twisting his arm against his back. Jamal lets go giving me a smug smirk, oblivious to Tyrone's fist, which collides with his jaw. Jamal falls to the ground, while Tyrone looks aghast by his own actions.

"Thats better," I say, moving forward to help Jamal to his feet. "In a real fight you can't hold back Tyrone. Its either kill or be killed."

"Can I go into a fight without killing anyone?"

"Ahh, yeah I guess so. I mean if it were me, I would like to ensure that I'm the only one walking away."

"Yeah cuz you're psychopathic." Jamal coughs as he gingerly touches his lower jaw, which is deep red.

"I know I am." I say nonchalantly. I had accepted the fact I was incapable of emotions. I understood them to a certain degree due to Jamal and Tyrone, but it didn't go very far.

"Are we getting better though Posie?"

"Do you want the truth or the truth?" I ask, putting emphasis on the second option.

Tyrone sighs as he grabs his water bottle, "I think I can figure it out."

"Yeah, that's Posie's way for saying we still suck."

I laugh and move away towards my phone, which is ringing. There were only three contacts on that phone, two of them I had never used. The third one was Aunt May. About two weeks after New Mexico, I reached out after telling Tyrone and Jamal about Peter and May. They told me that I was crazy for not keeping in contact. So, I made an effort to call every few weeks and text every so often, especially after Peter said they were no longer being watched.


"Hi Posie, I was calling to see how you are."

"I'm good May, how are you guys."

"Hi Posie!" I hear Peter shout.

"Hi Peter. How's school?"

I moved away from where Tyrone and Jamal had started sparring again, moving to the other end of the abandoned tennis court we were currently at.

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