for closure

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I fought the urge not to jump up and leave the cafe but Sunghoon's warm and comforting hand on mine relaxed me. I looked to him as he smiled at me encouragingly making me return the smile but not as strong as his.

"It'll be fine, Jae. The fact he allowed me to be here means he probably moved on and I know how bad that sounds but-", I chuckled at his words making him freeze.

"I think I'd like to think that so thank you baby.", I said lovingly, rubbing my thumb across his hand.

The door bell rang signalling someone just came in. I sucked in my breath as the person I expected to come actually came. He smiled when he saw me and upon reaching our table, he sat on the stool across us.

"Hi.", he greeted with a small smile.

I struggled but managed to return the smile. He brought back so many good memories that I forced myself to forget. I missed him. I really did.

"I'm sorry for acting up the last time.", Geonu laughed softly, shaking his head.

"It's fine! I understand why. And..Sunghoon, is it?", my boyfriend nodded with a friendly smile.

"I'm really sorry for saying I was still his boyfriend. I wanted to see if he really moved on and I'm glad he did.", Glad?

"Glad? What the fuck do you mean by that?", Geonu looked at me, wide-eyed and clearly surprised.

Sunghoon squeezed my hand, silently telling me not to make a scene.

"Explain. Explain why you left me like you did with no goodbye.", I said, almost growling.

He sighed and nodded.

"It all started a year before we started dating. You remember the party we went to?", I nodded, not knowing where this was headed.

"Well, I ended up getting drunk off my head and slept with a senior.", I was wide eyed at this point.

"W-What?!", I blurted out too loudly, attracting attention to us but we didn't care.

"I know. I thought it was fine since it was a guy-",

"You slept with a guy at a party?", I asked, almost finding it funny.

"Hey! Don't laugh. It's embarrassing to remember."

"Anyways, the night I got drunk, I got a call from a unknown number. It was the very same senior I slept with at the party."

So that's why he didn't want to tell me. He was afraid of what I would think. I would've understood if he explained it! Why'd he have to leave so suddenly?

"The reason why I left without telling because I made him pregnant."

I stood up in shock. He made a man pregnant? Was that even possible?!

"I don't believe you. I can't.", I mumbled to myself and to Geonu too.

He sighed and gestured me to sit down and I did. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through it. He turned the screen towards us and it showed a picture of him, another guy and a baby? Our eyes went wide at that same time.

"Are you actually serious? What the fuck..."

"I'm sor-", I held up my hand, freezing him.

"Don't apologise. I believe you now."

Geonu stared at me with wide eyes.

"Really? That's..That's great! Um, so does this mean you forgive me? We can be friends again?", I chuckled and smacked the back of his head softly.

"Of course. And my boyfriend would kill me if I didn't forgive you.", I said with a chuckle earning a ear pinch from Sunghoon.

"He's really cute Geonu. Your kid I mean.", Sunghoon teased me as I pouted at him.

You're mean.", Sunghoon laughed softly, ruffling my hair.

"I'm so glad that you're happy with someone you like. I always felt like we weren't meant to be. Only friends." I guess without him leaving, I wouldn't have realised my feelings for Sunghoon.

"Alright guys shake hands and start over.", Sunghoon ordered jokingly making the three of us laugh.

We spent the next hour just catching up and Geonu sharing embarrassing moments of me to my boyfriend no matter how much I told him I'd kill him if he continued.

Geonu gasped making us look at him with confusion.

"Sorry guys, I promised my boyfriend I'd come home early. I'm afraid I have to go now. It's been nice meeting Jake again and you too, Sunghoon."

"It's our pleasure. If you don't mind, maybe we could have dinner over at your place some time? I really want to see that cute kid you have.", Sunghoon suggested with a sheepish smile.

I chuckled at my adorable boyfriend and ruffled his hair. Geonu laughed softly and nodded.

"I'll ask my boyfriend if y'all can. I'll see you guys soon, hmm? Sooner than you'd think.", He winked at me as I smacked his back softly making him laugh.

Geonu told us that he's studying in a school near ours and that he joined the football team which meant he became my rival. I found it funny though but our season has gotten more exciting with a good player like Geonu joining their team.

"Well that wasn't too bad.", I said with a chuckle as we left the cafe.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I smiled looking down at my boyfriend.

"I just realised just how lucky I was to catch your attention. If Geonu hadn't become a father, we wouldn't be dating."

"You know that's not true. You've always been on my mind, Sunghoon. You do remember that night when you kissed me,right?"

He groaned and covered his face, clearly embarrassed.

"We were like eight! It doesn't count..", he mumbled into his hand.

I chuckled and pulled one of his hands away from his face and intertwined our fingers. He looked at me with flushed cheeks.

"I love you.", he broke out into a smile and leaned in to give my lips a peck.

"I love you more."

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