for unexpected actions

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He drove past the open gates and it closed slowly behind us, I looked at it as it closed.

"I love your house, holy fuck.", Jaeyun chuckled, music to my ears as always.

"I mean I'd rather have a house like yours. It seems more.."

"Homely?" Was that even a word? I think it is.

"Yeah. Yeah, homely. Not to say your house is shabby, in fact I might think you actually are an heir of a famous company.", He joked, making me giggle.

"I am though. Still don't trust me?"

The car stopped and he turned to me with one raised eyebrow.

"Okay, let's say you are. Which company?", it was my turn now to raise an eyebrow.

He really wanted to know? Our companies aren't really on good terms.

"HYBE.", Jaeyun's eyes went wide, mouth open in shock.

"You- You-"

I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. I shouldn't have told him. His mother is the CEO of our rivals, ENHA Ent. They're definitely bigger than us but we were catching up. God, if his parents found out, they'll ban me from not seeing Jake ever again.

"You're our rival..", he said, finally creating a full sentence.

I nodded, not facing him.

"My father's only vice president so you don't have to worry about me taking over. Not that I would.", I whispered the last part, not expecting him to hear.

"Good. It's better if you didn't."

I turned to face him in shock. Is he being serious?

"You can't waste your future doing that work. Promise me you won't."

I chuckled and nodded.

"I promise. It sounds boring anyways.", he smiled and nodded, agreeing.

"Come on, let's start our lesson."

"Sure, Teacher Jake."

The next few hours were spent on Jaeyun trying to teach me Physics which I was really struggling at. All the random looking formulae and concepts were really hurting my brain. I tried to push as much info into it just for Jaeyun. I can't let these lessons be for nothing. He decided he'd have a small 'pop' quiz at the end of every lesson to see if I'd learn anything.

By the way that he's frowning, I didn't learn a lot. He sighed and took off his reading glasses which I hate myself for saying this in this moment but it made him look extra hot.

"Am I going too fast? Because you can't be this bad."

"Wow. You're so honest, Jaeyun.", I snickered as he shrugged with a sheepish smile.

"You got 2 out of 10 questions right.", I gasped.

"That's good!", I whined. He scrunched his nose at me.

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