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September 11, 2021

I almost had my phone. 

First thing in the morning, my father said that I am going to accompany my mom to the mall (it was supposed to be him). We were supposed to go to the mall yesterday (?) but my mom cancelled our errand. 

Wearing an oversized gray t-shirt and my pants, we left the house at around 2 pm.

Before heading to the mall, we dropped by Natasha and MSE first for my mom's other errands. While waiting for her, I realized that it's been a while since I last stepped on those establishments. I think, it's been more than 2 or 3 years? I'm not sure. 

But I remember, my mom always brings us (my brother and I) with her whenever she goes to Natasha and MSE. If we still have time, sometimes, we go straight to the mall after for some leisure. How I miss those moments :( I also reminisce those times when I'd like to ask my mom to buy me those merienda sold by one of the customers in Natasha or MSE but ought not to do so because my brother would also like to have one — when we do not have enough money for that. 

Enough with the throwbacks.

We went to the mall, as it is our main agenda, in the first place. 

My mom decided to check-out some items in Watsons, and so we dropped by there. After, we went to the Cyberzone to look for an affordable phone. 

I don't know what actually happen but one moment I found my mom agreeing to buy that Lenovo (forgot the model) phone. I was not expecting that she'll be buying a phone with that price because I thought, the budget was just around 3k - 5k but yeah. 

Originally, my mom wanted to buy me a new laptop since my laptop would probably not survive my Senior High School to College years. But I told her to buy a cellphone instead since I need it more, I think? I'm kinda tired of borrowing a phone from Nanay who always get angry because we're not able to return it to her immediately. So I thought, maybe a phone is really an essential. Moreso, my father does not have a decent phone, too, so I am fine with sharing it with him (and maybe with my brother because my father's stuffs are his, as well).

We almost had a phone to bring home tonight but things suddenly got out of hand and we were not approved to pay for the down payment through home credit, so my mom decided to just pay the phone in cash some other day, as she do not have enough cash with her today. 

While on the way to the mall, I told myself to buy me at least a Jollibee Sundae today, so before going home, I asked my mom if we could do a little Jollibee run. I got myself a Sundae (a favorite!!!) and my mom got herself 2 yum burgers. 

My tita texted mom if we could buy some donuts for my sick cousin so before hailing a cab, we also went for donuts, and I also got myself (again) a waffle (a favorite, too!!).

When we got home, we caught the boys having a good time. Literally. Like, the house a mess and they haven't cooked rice, yet, in seven in the evening! Good thing no one's in aa bad mood so even though we're hungry (since we only ate burger and waffle for lunch), we still managed to have a peaceful dinner.

Also, I checked our subject GCs and found out that our teacher in Pre-Cal has already sent Google Forms for us to answer until today. Good thing I immediately answered all those so I was not included to the list of the names of those who has not respond yet our teacher sent to our GC. Personally, I would be embarrassed if I was included.


Even though I was not able to have a phone today, still I am thankful because we arrived to and from the mall safely and I got to treat my mom and myself, as well, something before the classes start on Monday. I am just hoping and praying that more blessings would come so that we would be able to pay that phone in cash this week, as my online class starts this week as well.

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