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September 14, 2005


I had a dream. Dwight was there. Dwight as in Dwight Ramos. DWIGHT FREAKING RAMOS !!!

In that dream, he was my boyfriend and my parents were teasing us that we're gonna do "it" the moment they left the room. 

It is weird because in that dream, we are at my tita's house for a family reunion, I think, and Dwight and I were the only one who occupies a whole room. I mean, in our family, given that we're a big one, there's no chance for each one of us to have separate rooms so I think Dwight, in that dream, got my family's approval and was a favorite, hence, the separate room for us.

With our parents teasing us, Dwight hoped that we're really gonna do it. I hoped, too. OF COURSE THAT'S DWIGHT FOR GOD'S SAKE AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH but for some reasons, I was so shy that it did not happen (even just in my dreams T_T ).

He was so excited for our parents to leave the room that he really DID prepare himself mentally, physically, etc. 

The room has a bathroom (and a bathtub) and my mom teased me because we heard Dwight preparing the bathtub for the supposed intimacy, I can't-

He even sent me a picture showing that he's ready for it already! That's a weird thing because he doesn't usually do that - selfies and all.

Fast forward, while I can still remember my dream, the parents left our room but my hard-headed big brother seemed to sense what's gonna happen so he lied down beside Dwight which made him disappointed because he thought we're gonna get started the moment they left.

I asked my brother to leave the room, of course, then I engaged myself with some unnecessary things just to avoid "it" and him, as well. 

Dwight was obviously irritated so I sat near him (on the bed) and hugged him. 

In this moment, as much as I can remember, my dream's a bit glitching already and I am slowly becoming aware that it's just a dream, which makes me not want to wake up! (Bc why do I have to learn that it's just a dream the moment I am hugging A DWIGHT RAMOS!! so much hate).

I hugged him. It makes my heart flutter knowing that I've come to hug him even just in my dream.

So yeah. I said to him, "Maybe we're not really on the same page yet but I know someday, we'll get there." 

We talked, but I can't remember it clearly.

I think, we just cuddled.

And my dream has ended. 

Or so I thought? 

I talked to Isabelle and told her every bits of my dream.

We exchange dishes, both our mom's specialties. Weird and out of nowhere, I know.

And then I woke up. This time, for real. I thought, I am already awake when Isabelle and I were talking but it seems like it is part of my dream.

It was like a roller coaster of feelings. Even if there's only a few moments in that dream.

I love Dwight  so much, for real. 

I can't seem to find another man that I will love as much as I love him... well, right now. I'm not sure in the future. 

But I do hope I'd find someone like him. Or at least I'd find the right person.

Oh, before I forget. I think, the reason why Dwight's in my dream is because I watched Kianna's (his real-life gf) vlog with him when they got their eyes lasered. (Below)

If ever you are (or someone is) reading this, I encourage you to watch their vlog (and subscribe to KKD's channel, too!)

He's just too good to be true, right??? u_u

Okay, bye. 

I was just here to make kwento about my dream. ABOUT MY FREAKING DREAM WITH DWIGHT RAMOS omygosh still can't believe it.

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