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Last Monday (September 19) night was one of the most memorable nights of my life.

I was able to hear him again. MY SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE CRUSH!!

I unintentionally saw Third's message to our groupchat that he will be singing on Discord that night.

I, as a fangirl, don't wanna miss the chance to hear him sing LIVE again so I immediately installed Discord on my phone and believe me when I say it's one of the most beautiful decisions I've made.

I swear, I really felt sooo so happy and kilig the moment he opened his mic and sang my favorite song, Easy by Mac Ayres.

I could say that song is definitely my weakness like... if someone sing it to me, my knees would probably weaken and my heart!!! would!!! definitely!!! drop!!! and!!! melt!!!

Yeah. That's how I love that song (and the singer as well, actually).

Third also did sing My Favorite Clothes and some other songs that he used to sing and send us way back 2020 (around August or September).

So nostalgic.

That night, I also got to talk to some of my friends in Arthur Nery V2 after a long time.

I missed them so much and it makes me so happy to get it touch with them again.

It's like my past months have been miserable because they're not with me... or rather I am not with them.

I became so busy and mentally unstable to reach out and catch up with them.

Over the past months, I gained numbers of internet friends as well. I am not Selena Gomez but no one compares, they stand alone to every record I own. Eme.

Seriously, I am never as happy as I am whenever I'm talking to them.

The amount of serotonin I get while talking to them is incomparable.

To the unexpected yet for-keeps friends I met through Arthur — Tinay, Jane, Hayan, Asya, Ate Niña, Kuya Ems, Ate Masha, Ate Kleyr, Zam, Juriz, Xane, Bongpal, Ate Raz, Ate Krizha, Ate Danica, Ate Catherine, Ate Shaz, Ate Poy, Manuel, Ate Tine, Ate Eds, Ate Synds, Ate Toni

and to those 2 people who were the first to welcome and make me feel comfortable sa gc, Kuya Lenard and Kuya Ully. I'm sorry for cutting ties with you without your knowledge. Hope you understand where I am (or we're) coming from. Thank you, really, and love you both.

Mahal ko kayo.

Mahal kita, Arthur. You're the reason why I came across these beautiful souls.

Sa inyo at kay Arthur pa rin uuwi at uuwi. (pati pala kay Third eme)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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