The Secret and a Promise

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(A/N: I'm excited to share this story that I've been writing for a while even though I didn't have too many reads on the last part! I hope who ever is reading this enjoys my story! *THESE CHARACTERS ARE COMPLETELY MADE UP BY ME AND ONLY ME* Thank You.)

-Jeremy's POV-

"H-HI." I stutter out as Laila and I are left all alone in the room.

"Hey." She greets me back, laying down the clothes she had picked up to pack down on the bed beside her.

"H-How are you?" I stumble over my words as I desperately try to start a conversation.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"Missing you." The words pour out of my mouth. They seem to have no effect on Laila, she just looks around.

Gosh.... even in sweats she looks beautiful as ever!

"Oh." She replis, her pretty little lips forming an "o" shape.

I run my fingers through my hair, the shorter length caught me by surprise until I remembered I had got it cut a few days back.

"You cut your hair?' She immediately notices.

"Yeah." I answer the obvious question.


"I don't know, I just felt like trimming it a bit."


Another couple of beats of awkward silence.

"I see you're really moving out." I state.

"..Yeah." She now returnes the favor of stating the obvious.

"Please don't." I plead.

"Why shouldn't I?" She coldly replies.

"Because...I-I....I love you?"

"You don't sound too sure."

"I'm sure." She tilts her head a bit to the side, signaling me to continue. "No one understands me like you do or is as funny as you are. Plus, I love how you snort when you laugh too hard."

I smile as we both laugh. I feel relieved that she laughs with me.

"Can you please give me another chance? I promise to kiss you and hold your hand in public, and I'll always tell you how much I love you." I smile broadly at her, it seemes to soften her up a little bit. "I've been away from you for 7 days, I don't want that to become 8 days!"

"That's not all I want! That's not the only reason I wanted to stay broken up!"

Her words sent me into a state of confusion. I'm pretty sure it's written all over my face.

"You never fought for me! If a guy flirted with me, you would turn the other cheek. I felt unwanted and unappreciated!" She adds.

"I always appreciated you, and wanted you very badly! I was just too worried about what people thought, especially Briskies! You know how crazy they are!" I explain in my defense. It's all true. Briskies, our fans, can be monsters at times and rip your self-esteem apart.

"Don't worry about them! Forget the haters! It's just about me and you!"

I sigh. "I know, and I'm sorry if I mislead you. Please take me back!" I get down on my knees and pull Laila's hands to my mouth and softly kiss them repeatedly.

She laughs and pulls me back up to my normal size and into a kiss. Her lips are so soft, I never want to let them go as our lips move in sync. Sadly, she pulls away, revealing my huge grin.

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