BEFORE you read this story

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Dear readers,

I know from first-hand experience that when you are intrigued by a new book, all you want is to open it and dive right into the storyverse to join the characters on their journey through fantastic worlds,  sharing their joy, but sometimes also their sorrow. So, I'm going to keep this brief - promise 🤞

I only added this after having published quite a lot of my story already, but getting more familiar with the Wattpad community, it felt important to me to include this part, because I want this to be a pleasant experience for everybody who decides to read this book.

Before reading my story you should be aware of the following aspects:

1. This story includes different versions of romance. While there will be no explicit sex scenes, there will be some parts that include physical attraction between characters.

2. There will be no excessive depiction of violence. However, since some of the characters are age-old warriors, there are some fighting and battle sequences. 

3. Although this is a completely fictional story, my characters - like everyone in real life - have a past and some baggage that they carry around with them. While there will be no depiction of abuse, note that some of the characters deal with its consequences.

So, if you're uncomfortable with any of the aspects I mentioned above, do not read this story. 

Thank you for considering this. If you feel that this warning isn't extensive enough and should be amended, don't hesitate to let me know.

And NOW, have a great time while reading Heir of Dust and Wind! 😊

Image by josealbafotos from Pixabay.

Heir of Dust and WindWhere stories live. Discover now