Worth It~P.P

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part 1
It was so cold out. It was freezing and it didn't help that it was raining. Your hair and clothes were wet, not soaking, but enough to irritate you, and you knew that if you didn't find some shelter, you would probably freeze to death. You walked into a small alleyway, needing to rest for a little bit. You were probably lost by now but you could care less. All you knew was that you were somewhere in Manhattan and you had no place to stay for the night, again.

In the alleyway where you had just entered, there was a little stoop with a cloth covering over it. You made your way there and sat down, getting some cover from the cold rain. You dropped your duffle bag beside you and pulled your body close. You closed your eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

You woke up when you heard a loud crash. It was still night time and you figured you weren't even asleep for that long. The sound happens again and you get up this time, wondering where the sound was coming from. You left the area and started to walk out of the alley.

When you reached the end you saw two guys fighting, seeming to be something serious. One of them had on a red, white, and blue suit with something like a shield in his hand. The other guy was wearing all black as well as a mask on his face.

You watched as the two fought for a couple of minutes, the guy in the red, white, and blue, looking like he was winning until the other guy knocked his shield out of his hand. You watched as his shield slid on the concrete floor and stopped right beside you. You glace back at him. He's losing the fight. He was pretty good in combat but he needed his shield for an extra boost.

Should I help? You asked yourself and glance back at the scene. You decide to and bend down, almost reaching for the shield.

"Hey Mr." You call out to him. He doesn't seem to hear you and continues his fight. The other guy kicks him in the gut and brings him down, quickly getting on top to pin him down.

"Mr.!" You yell again trying to get his attention. He hears you and glances at you. The guy on top of him reaches behind him and pulled out a large knife. You don't hesitate to grab the colorful shield and throw it back to him. It slides on the concrete floor and he catches it in his position, bringing it up to block the knife from impaling him. You step back a bit, still making sure you could see the fight without being seen by anyone else.

It all went pretty fast from there as the guy with the shield defeated the bad guy and called the cops to come and take him. You stopped watching and moved back to the corner you were in. It wasn't long before you heard footsteps coming your way and a man was kneeling in front of you. It was the guy with the shield.

"What is a young girl like you doing out so late?" He asked as he fully took in your appearance. Although it was dark out, he was still about to make out your small figure due to the light in the ally. You weren't sure what to say or if you should lie to him or not. You chose not to.

"I-  I don't have anywhere to go." You simply say then shrug your shoulders. He eyes you and then looks around as if checking to make sure there were no more bad guys.

"You've been out in the rain all night?" He asked and you simply nodded. He sighs then places a hand on your shoulder. He was only comforting and it felt good to know that he cared.

"Why don't you come with me?" He asks you as he gives you his hand. You didn't know who he was but he was nice and you oddly felt like you could trust him. You nodded and took his hand, wondering where he was taking you.
You couldn't help but ask questions about the man as he took you to God knows where. You asked him what his name was which he replied with Steve Rogers aka Captain America.

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