7. The Truth

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I kept a good distance between us as I followed him down the dimly lit streets. We were the only ones out on the streets which made me feel uncomfortable. Although I was scared, I was confident that I could fight back with fire if necessary. It's been more than 10 years since I've used my powers but I shouldn't have a problem summoning fire on command.

We walked down a residential street and it didn't take too long for Harry to walk up to a doorstep. He took the keys out of his pocket and turned around to see if I was still behind him. He then opened the door and held it open for me. He signaled for me to go in but I didn't move. You have no idea how sketchy this is. After minutes of waiting for me to go in, Harry sighed and went in, leaving the door wide open.

"Go in before I change my mind. I'm not going to do anything to you, I promise. I just want you to meet someone and explain things to you so you have a better understanding of what's going on." I thought about what he said and decided to walk in.

Although the apartment was tiny, it was cozy and definitely lived in. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. The apartment was a mess. Shoes were strewn about the floor and coats were piled on the couch. Stacks of paper and notebooks covered the dining room table rendering it useless. A laptop was open on a word document on the table in the living room with a coffee mug and a bowl of soup next to it as if someone was just there a moment before.

Harry took his coat off and tossed it on the couch. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to look for Bridget." He then ran up the stairs. Bridget must be his girlfriend. I could definitely see the feminine touch to this place. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I eyed the laptop reading what was typed on the word document. It looked like an essay for school. Harry's done with school so that laptop must belong to Bridget. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and turned to see Harry coming down with a blonde following close behind.

"Bridget, this is Violet. Violet, this is Bridget." I got a better look at the blonde and was shocked to see that it was The Pompous Girl I've seen twice. The Pompous Girl--I mean Bridget--didn't seem the least bit excited to see me. Harry noticed the awkward exchange. "Have you two already met?"

"We've seen each other around. Where's your blond friend?" Bridget asked. There was a slight edge to her voice that I didn't like.

"Uh...I don't know to be honest," I replied.

"He's hiding," Harry smirked. "He's afraid for his own life." Harry and Bridget burst out laughing but I was in no mood to laugh. I was offended.

"Lay off him. He has the right to be scared," I snapped.

"Alright, we'll leave your boyfriend alone," Bridget snickered. My cheeks turned red.

"He's not my boyfriend! We just met!" It annoyed me how everyone thought he was my boyfriend. We've only known each other for three days! I decided to change the subject. "Let's cut to the chase. Who are you guys and what's going on?"

"We're people just like you. Bridget can manipulate the weather and I can manipulate water," Harry replied nonchalantly. I was dumbfounded at what he just said. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet so many people like me.

"Are you pulling my leg?" I asked uncertaintly.

"Now why would we do that?" Bridget walked up to me and cupped my face with her hands. I was shocked at the sudden close proximity. Out of nowhere, I felt a light electric charge on my cheeks. I yelped and quickly stepped away from Bridget, rubbing my cheeks.

"What was that for?" I yelled.

"Proof that we're not lying," Bridget replied.

"Okay but you didn't have to shock me!" Bridget laughed.

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