20. Dr. Hopkins

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Dr. Melissa Hopkins is a wife and mother of two. Her brown hair, which is tied into a messy bun, is turning gray. Strands of her hair fall into her face as she is hunched over a lab notebook, writing intently. I try not to think of what will happen to her later today. I don't know how things will go, but I hope she'll be able to make it home.

Sunglasses shield my eyes and a newspaper hides my face as I wait for her to leave work. My role in the plan is to follow her to the alley. I wish warning her about her impending death was part of my role but I was banned from telling her so. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 5 PM. It's time for her to go. As if on cue, she stood up from her desk and closed her notebook. In one swift motion, she removed her lab coat and grabbed her bag. My heart rate increased and I could feel the color returning to my face from the cool air. This is it! It's finally happening!

Minutes later, I see her emerge from the hospital. I find it strange that she no longer works for the government but it makes sense as it's been twenty-three years since she experimented on us. Her small black heels click on the pavement as she makes her way to the busy street. I quickly fold up my newspaper and follow her. I try my best to text the group about her whereabouts while I follow her at the same time.

*She just left. On the way to all now.*

*Alley** I see Harry correct. I just laugh. I can't text and walk at the same time. I looked up from my phone to see that I lost sight of her. Sh*t! My eyes frantically searched the streets for her. It was a shame it was rush hour and there were so many people in the streets, making it difficult to find her.

*Uh...I lost her. Sh*t my bad. I'm going to try to find her.*

*You had one job !* I see Niall write. He's always giving me a hard time.

I quickly ran to the alley she's supposed to walk down but I don't find her there. Where could she be? I retrace my steps back to where I lost her, scanning the stores as I go. That was when I finally found her--she was withdrawing money from the bank. I sighed with relief, glad that she was still alive.

*Found her. She's at the bank.* I saw her pocket the money and start walking down the street again.

*She's on her way to the alley.*

I ran to keep up with her. The people blocking my way weren't helping and I wasn't concerned about keeping it hidden that I was following her. I just couldn't lose sight of her again. She sharply turned to go down the long, narrow alley. She held her purse close and quickly glanced behind her before entering. Before I could reach the alley, I saw two hooded figures follow her. One of them was a tall, stocky man while the other person was a slim woman. That must be Drew and Stephanie. I quickly walked down the alley, trying my best to keep my steps quiet.

What's interesting about this alley is that it doesn't run straight. There's a curve in it which is the worst thing ever. I now understand why Zayn thought this was the perfect place to kill her. The curve prevents prying eyes from seeing what horrible things can happen down there. My pace slowed as I approached the curve. It made me nervous that I couldn't see anything up ahead. And that's when I heard the scream.

"Help me!" I heard Dr. Hopkins scream. Her words were muffled which probably means there are hands covering her mouth. I felt my phone buzz but ignored it as I was too concerned about what happened to her. I quickened my pace to find her but that was a big mistake as I found myself face-to-face with Drew. A long scar runs from under his right eye to his chin, and his eyes are dark and beady.

"Hi there," he said in a friendly tone which doesn't match the evil glare he was giving me. "You must be Violet." I took a step back in fear and quickly turned around to run the second I saw him move forward. I was desperately gasping for air as I ran, cursing myself for not going to the gym. I could see the street, I could see the street! Right as I saw the street, a wall of flames blocked my way out. I stopped, hesitant about running through it. I have the power to manipulate fire but I've never run through a wall of fire before. How fireproof am I? I turned around to face Drew, who was only a few feet away from me. Where are the others when I need them?

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