30. A Warning

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I was excited that we've made so much progress the last few days. The Luxford Police Department is working with other police departments to locate Zayn, Louis, Drew, and Stephanie. They've managed to find tons of information on them--who they are, where they live, what they do, and so on. Matt would call me everyday to update me on the progress they've made.

"All of them are under surveillance. I've got men watching all of them," Matt said to me on the phone. "Once we have a good idea of what their typical day is like, we'll arrest them when they least expect it."

"That's great news. Thanks for updating me," I told him. "Do you have enough evidence to warrant their arrest?"

"Yes we do," Matt said excitedly. "We have the security camera footage which is the strongest piece of evidence we have and we have everyone's background. You should see Drew's background! He has an extensive criminal background. I'm surprised they let him out on the streets." I couldn't help but laugh even though it didn't surprise me one bit.

"Just curious...how are you going to arrest them?" I asked, my tone suddenly serious. I know for certain that Matt and the police are not prepared for what Zayn and his crew have in store for them. Will they use their powers to fight back or will they hide it? Knowing them, they'd use their powers even though it would expose their secret.

"I can't disclose that information to you. But don't worry, like I've said a hundred times, we have things under control. You don't need to worry about us." I sighed. There was no reasoning with this guy!

"Just be careful, alright? I meant what I said last time. I don't think you understand how truly dangerous these people are."

"We've seen what they've done to Dr. Hopkins and Dr. Rosario, and to be frank, we've dealt with much worse before. This is nothing." I decided to say nothing more. I don't want to make Matt wonder why I was so keen on warning him. We exchanged our goodbyes.

I walked up to Harry's room and fell on his bed, sighing dramatically. Harry looked up from the book he was reading.

"Is everything alright?" he asked. He was clearly amused at my dramatic entrance.

"No," I said, my voice muffled by the bed sheets. "Matt is so hard to talk to. I keep warning him about how dangerous Zayn and his crew are but he never listens. He always talks to me like I'm a little kid who doesn't know anything!"

"Maybe he's right, though," Harry said softly. I looked up and glared at him. How dare he agree with Matt.

"You're supposed to be on my side!"

Harry laughed. "Don't underestimate the police! I believe Matt when he says he's seen some crazy stuff. Just let the police do their thing. They're trained professionals. Only when things go bad will we intervene. We'll keep a close eye on them to make sure everything's okay."

"I wonder what Zayn is up to," I said thoughtfully. "He's a very observant person. I'm sure he knows he's being watched."

"I agree. Do you know when the police are planning to arrest them?"

"I don't know but it's happening soon."



Visiting Yaser Malik has been very informative and helpful. Instead of focusing our attention and energy on Kseniya, we could now focus on warning Dr. David Chen. We rang his number several times, but unfortunately, our calls went straight to voicemail. We left cryptic voicemails that we hoped would peak his interest and have him call us back. So far it hasn't worked. We also tried email, but again, he was unresponsive. Why are these people impossible to reach? We reached another dead end. It was time to visit Yaser Malik once again.

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