17. Caught

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"Hah! I knew it!"

I jerked my head up in panic and hit Harry's jaw, making him curse in pain. I blinked the sleep from my eyes. Why is my uncle yelling?

"I knew you two were together," my uncle said smugly. I unconsciously scooted away from Harry and Harry frowned. I turned to look at the clock and saw that it was 9 AM. I yawned. I didn't realize we fell asleep on the couch. My uncle looked at me expectantly. I was surprised he was in such a good mood even though he lost his wife but I'd take happy uncle over sad uncle any day.

Breakfast was unbearable. My uncle was constantly wiggling his eyebrows at me. He knows how to make everything so awkward. Harry choked on his coffee when he caught my uncle wiggling his eyebrows at me and I knew he was trying so hard not to laugh. I kicked his feet from under the table hoping he'd keep silent. After breakfast, we made our way to Harry and Bridget's apartment, ready for some more training.

"Your uncle's in a good mood today," Harry commented. I just groaned. Harry loves to embarrass me. I covered my face in embarrassment and I felt Harry pry my hands from my face. "You're cute when you're embarrassed." His comment only made my face firetruck red.

We reached the apartment in a matter of minutes and Bridget was there to greet us. After a short discussion, we decided to head to Stanley Park to continue our lessons. The park was quiet with the occasional person passing by. We found a secluded area to practice where the willow trees hid us from prying eyes.

I was nervous about today's lesson. I feared hurting another person but I knew I had to face my fear. These lessons can only help me. Bridget decided that we would have the same partners today to finish up our training from last time. Working with Harry excited me despite what happened last time. I wonder what lesson he had in mind today.

Harry looked at me in concentration, his hands on his chin. He was deep in thought. I could see the light bulb go on in his head as he finally figured out what to do. His eyes lightened up and he smirked at me which made me even more nervous. I itched my arm.

"First, I'm going to test that you remember how to summon fire, and this time, we'll work on learning how to extinguish your flames as well. I'd very much like to keep the skin on my arm..." Harry said, bending over to pick up a branch, "so let's use this branch." He held the branch out in front of him and said, "Set this on fire."

It was too easy. I narrowed my eyes on the branch and put all my attention to setting it on fire. In a split second, a fire sparked, quickly engulfing the branch in flames. Harry dropped the branch in panic and quickly stomped on it to put the fire out. I smiled at my small accomplishment. I'm glad that it's becoming easier.

"Good! Now you need to learn how to put it out as quickly as you can start one," Harry said, scanning the willow tree for a new branch. He found the perfect branch and broke it off and waved it in front of him. "Extinguishing your flame will be similar to starting one. Put your attention on putting the fire out. I want you to set this branch on fire, let it burn for a few seconds, and then extinguish the fire when I tell you to." I nodded. Harry eyed me carefully. "Okay...set this branch on fire!"

The branch caught on fire and the flames quickly spread. Harry tried his best to hold onto the branch instead of letting it fall like last time. "Okay, put it out!" he yelled. I willed the fire to disappear but nothing happened. I stared at Harry in horror. "You're not concentrating hard enough. Try again!" I tried to concentrate but it was hard when I was panicking at the same time. I closed my eyes and slowly breathed in and out, willing the flames to disappear. "You can open your eyes now. The flame's out."

I opened my eyes to find a burnt, mangled branch in his hands and was happy to see that the fire was gone. However, I was confused. The entire branch was black, including the parts where he held it. "Did I burn you again?" I asked in disappointment. Harry shook his head and smiled at me.

Fireproof // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now