Coffee and Sweet Library Time.

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Its been two weeks since the crazy downfall party, I'd hope that it would've been fast but it just turned out the exact opposite exactly the way you have always wanted things in life. I've got a chemistry SAC in 45 minutes and I'm jotting down whatever is related to Chem as much as possible. We've got it for 3 hours and we're off for the day, at least they know our brains wouldn't function afterwards. My thoughts automatically stop when I hear rustling.

I glance left and right to see my introducer, but I'm not surprised when I see Ollie, the one that's been ignoring me for the past two weeks, may be that's why it's been so slow?

"H-ur" I could only understand that from her muffled voice, her face attached to the desk.

"Hey" I manage in a whisper.

"Yh-he....a-u" I so could not pass gibberish class now. Which she was the teacher.

"What" I whisper and half yell. Whisper-yell.

"I said he cares about you, you know-" She gets up, her thick black hair in a messy bun that is failing so miserably and her face still showing the aftercause of sleeping late with black tires under her eyes, her tinted dark green coat that has fluff around the head part snuggling in with her scent and her perfume thats channel to cover the soap smell she hates and her favourite.

"what do you mean? He 'cares about you'" I slowly say adjusting the table lamp light. Trying to distract myself from her.

"Urg! HE. CARES. ABOUT. YOU. JOSEPHINE. FRANKER!" she now is practically talking in her outside voice and is very loud and I glare. O-boy is she lucky we're in a library at 7:45am.

"Why would he care about me it's not like I care about him" I say honestly and confused.

"Plus he said he's sorry, for the touchy thing as well" ignoring my remark she gets serious.

"I'm so confused when did he-" And thats when it comes back like the splash of the ice bucket challenge of that whole night, the night I promised myself I'd lose myself but it got ruined by him, Christian. I mentally glare at his body thats not there and I realise is a wooden wall.

"I seriously don't care just tell him never to touch me again" I shrug.

She's looking at me as though I'm hiding something and I try my best to mimic Christian's dafuq face and lose when I bite back my laugh from the memory.

"I'm serious" she says sternly.

"And I'm the vacuum from Teletubbies" I say fluttering my eyes.

She groans and I continue with my work that I have now negative thirty eight minutes left. I talk to her while I type in all of my finishing touches work.

"Hey, why were you crying that night?" my voice showing emotions, what? You've got to open up to some people.

"Um, Rally was hooking up with another girl and he smelt of weed then called me names-"

"What!" I fully turn to my utterly broken BEST friend, I cannot believe it A HUGE TSUNAMI of avalanched guilt came over me. I'm slowly dying underneath.

"I am so sorry! I should've been there for you" My mouth opening,

then closing. Lost with words for only her to say she forgive me.

"Its okay" Her eyes and body show the exact opposite which makes me feel worst. Her black abas eyes are watery and her hands racking her body to keep her warm and to stop herself from crying I know this because I'm her best friend

cough cough, yeah so totally her best friend joe

....but the worst at the same time for not being there for her the first time.

"I tried finding you but then I saw Chris and asked him, he knew something was up straight away and thats when I found myself pouring everything to him. I dont know I guess it just happened?" She looks up at me when shes finished and a watery sad smile is there on her lips and at my teary face as well.

"Im so sorry, I made you tell your secrets to the evil new boy and I wasn't there for-" Sniff "you!" And I cry heavily.

I know Olive is very confused right now and understands me but I hope she does forgive me....

And I pass this SAC, shit.

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