Chapter 1

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'Josephine Flanker Conquèr' my mother would call, I could hear the distaste in her voice, I was in trouble.

I knew this was coming

'Yes, mother' I topple down the spiral stairs not trying to get her temper even higher because she's the worst with patience, her and my father got married in a jiffy!

'I have your report cards, you've not aced your Art class! Why is that?' Her eyes are piercing into mine and I could feel my lungs suffocating from the lack of deep breaths I was taking.

'I..I.. I'm so sorry mother but my partner, she (he) didn't help (halfway true) and was very distracting (yes he was) and she said she had problems at home and I felt guilty so I'd help her (by egging houses) ' I said in all one go so she could believe me.

Geoff was nice to me because I gave him money, but he was fun so why not.

She was staring through my soul, but I couldn't let her get to me, I knew if I did, I wouldn't have even get married until my uterus dies, so I waited, playing with fire.

'Alright, but I'm going to have to report this to your father, you know how he can be
Josephine' She says, very sternly, earning a glare from me. 

I gulped 'alright mother, but I usually ace all of my classes' I murmured, which I shouldn't of-

'You know I hate when you talk under your breath, go and study' right on cue I was about to go until I remembered the call.

'Mother, Alicia and I both wanted to study together, is it alright if I go? Because yesterday it was my turn but she came here' I batter my eyes knowing or hoping that'll get to her.

She glares, I really hate when she does this. But it's challenging.

'Alright, come home before curfew'

I run up to her and kiss her cosmetic done looking cheeks and whisper a 

'thank you' 

and rush up stairs but before I'm fully up there I take in my mothers appearance, shes really stunning, she's short with turquoise blue eyes that change to a muddy blue once in a while, her hair is clear blonde like white sand and her plump red lips that are normally pink but she put on lipstick today, she's wearing her glasses and I know she knows I'm looking at her.

A smile is played on her lips and that's when I laugh, Oh my mother. I loved her so much.
As I'm walking up the stairs I hear the door bell and the chair creaks while she tries to get it.
I get another call from him saying 'he has a surprise' on the steps so I thought it meant him coming to the house, so I tiptoe my way down the stairs and go through the hallway and hide behind the curtain so I could jump on him, but then I hear a faint scream.

Did I just hear that?

Maybe it's my mind playing with me again.

Then I hear another noise, it sounded like a woman was being chocked.

I tilt my head out and use my pinky to get the curtain out of my way to see what's happening, my body leaves me. My mother sees me and a tear falls from her eyes.


I'm dumbfounded when I hear a gunshot and a hole is marked straight in the middle, blood is dripping, from her forehead.

I slowly moved to where the fireplace was getting one of the dad's sharp things where he shoves on to the fire and goes back to where he was, I still remember his face, those black pupils that looked dilated, that scar on the right side of his face, and that smile, the painted brown cracked smile, that would forever be stamped in my mind before I hit him on the head, I knew I was small, so I had to swing higher than the average ten years old. He hit the side table then the ground.
I was ever so normal until that day. That day I wish I could so reply.

I ran and ran and never looked back until I fell into his arms.


I had fainted and sobs so many times that year. He was 12 and didn't know what to do as well, I knew he knew me but didn't want to push me to talk. I didn't get his name but I think it started with C since that's what his dad nicknamed him. He asked his parents if I could stay at his house but my father would call and say he wanted me back, but I didn't want him.

I hated him.

I'd fraught with myself so many times, my mind started aching.

Maybe if he was home.
Maybe if he didn't have other women up his closet and stayed with us, My mother wouldn't be dead!
It's your fault too, you should've asked to get the door, you should have died! YOU SHOULD OF!

And I'd cry, cry until the ever ending pain to go away, but it didn't.

I'd hear screams sometimes, I thought it was their TV but then someone would hit the door and scream
'Where is she! Where is she!' I didn't know who she was and I was too numb to care but after several minutes the boy would come in and stay with me, sleeping beside me.

He'd always come giving me food and soups. He never knew that he saved me from myself and I felt so guilty I was leaving him soon.

'Hey, can I ask you something?'

'Yeah, anything?' He hesitated when he said anything as though I'm going to kill myself. He treated me like the finest lines of glass, breaking within seconds. I think I would if someone pushed me to the edge and thank them afterwards.

Push away your suicidal thoughts you're talking to someone.

'Why would you help me? You know many are talking about me, and my mother but you don't care, you didn't let my richness or lack of words get to you, you just opened your hand without a doubt but a smile'

I think he knew I was feeling better so he put on the table lap, my eyes stung at first and took a while to adjust and he smiled but waited.

'Well, I think it's because I know how it feels, well not as much as losing a parent or human being but I lost my best friend my dog, he is a being still, he and I did everything together. I felt his heart beat and he felt mine, we'd run, well I'd talk and he'd listen as though he understood, no one understood how much I loved him up until he got hit by a car and didn't really make it, no one could heal my pain and when I saw you running I knew you needed a friend'

'You understood, thank you' I knew I was smiling, which was hard since I never did, it hurt but it was a pleasure to actually have my burdens starting to fade.

I gave in to go home and thanked him for everything, he said he knew where 'I was coming from and I'm doing a good thing' he was the closest thing I've had to a friend. Even Alicia and I were just friends because of our money. I never really liked her that's why I lied most of the times when I'd say I was going to her house.

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