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First game of the season was on a Friday, the second game is on the following Monday. Leaving us no actual practice time or review time for Monday's game.

That all lead to all of us being on a public field on a Sunday. The coaches put together a makeshift emergency practice at a park with fields.

We had just finished warm ups and the review of Friday's game. Overall we had a pretty good amount of feedback and it was mostly positive, the only downside was that Reece was ignoring me and my feeble attempt at a hi.

It's not that hard to say hi back, but okay be annoying.

We practiced till five pm and then coach left, giving us all a little free time to unwind until we had to leave.  

Belle had a Krav Maga class so she left.

The baseball guys who stayed came over and joined us. Reece included.

"Hey let's just throw around the ball, I'm exhausted and I literally have no energy." Gracie sighed.

"Fine by me," Billy agreed as he whipped out a baseball. 

Nobody objected so we got started. Ironically Reece was in front of me so we both had to pass to each other.

I heard a slight calling behind me so I turned, Chanel was waving at our group and running towards us. I turn back and the baseball hits my cheekbone. I stumble back from the impact, my cheekbone throbbing as my hand goes up to touch it.

"YO GRIFFIN WATCH IT," Gracie shoved him to the ground and then ran to me.

"Not cool man, not cool." Oliver said grimly, as he helped me sit down. By the time I had taken a seat, everyone was hovering over me. It made me feel nauseous so I pushed away a few and tried to speak without making my voice crack. "Okay I'm fine, just please don't hover or I'll puke."

"YOU HEARD HER, EVERYONE BACK UP AND GIVE HER SPACE!" Tess took charge and told everyone to go back while Gracie fetched me an ice bag.

They all obeyed out of fear, Tess is always a little intimidating but it's a good thing. She's always confident and bold, brave and fearless.

They all start the game again while Gracie shows up with the ice pack and sits with me for a few minutes before I shoved her back out to play.

I held up the ice pack to what was now my swollen cheek. Please don't bruise. I checked it in the camera. It bruised.

I sighed and started texting Isla and my mom, who were held up in traffic around an hour away from here. Gracie carpools so maybe I'll just get a ride from her.

My car was in the shop getting a tire changed, so that's just wonderful.

I did some random stuff on my phone for a while until everyone was done playing catch.

"GRACIE, CAN YOU GIVE ME A RIDE?" I hollered in her way.

"SURE!" She gave me a thumbs up. I don't know who she's giving rides to today but I call shotgun.

I struggle to get my gear, bags and hold the ice pack all at once. "GRIFFIN!" I hear Gracie scream. "HELP KAIA WITH HER BAGS, NOW!" I look over to Reece who's laughing at something on his phone quickly straighten up and he rushes over to help.

Shotgun is called by Gracie's boyfriend, Marcus Taylor so I have to go in the back. Oh well, I'd much rather be in the backyard than cockblock.

I open the back and get in, leaning back in my seat I press my eyes shut. Just as I'm about to drift off, a feather like touch grazes my swollen cheekbone ever so slightly. My eyes whip open and I see Reece leaning into my face examining the bruise.

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