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"Screw it, imma go for it." Belle said. Abby, a girl from Creston had challenged Belle to a race. "I want to wipe that smug look off her face,"

Abby wasn't the meanest person but she tried to get under Belle's nerves as much as she could today, it's most definitely because of James. Everyone but Belle could tell that James liked her, and she liked him too, well, kind of. Poor Abby liked James too, I kinda felt bad for her but not really.

"ABBY, YOU'RE ON," Belle called, flexing her neck.

"Okay boo boo, prepare to look like a loser then," she voiced taunting, making little cry faces as she walked closer. Opening her mouth again but Belle stopped her.

"Hang on," B out her hand up in the air, "I'm still trying to decided whether I give a shit or not!" She said donning a smile, her words dripping with sarcasm.

"Race is canceled now that you mention it, my ankle hurts and i'd rather rest it," She squinted.

"Let's go Belle," I muttered before Abby could say something else.

"Bye bye bitch," Belle called and I snorted. After that we both kinda ran so she wouldn't come throw shoes at us.

We laughed our way back to the dugout and prepared for the game. Creston was an ass to play against but we were probably going to win.

I was right. We won by a landslide.

After we cleaned up our dugout, we headed for the baseball game. Creston's baseball was notorious for fast pitches. The baseball game was four innings in when we took seats on the away bleachers.

Once Reece was back in the dugout I walked up to the barbed wire encasing them. "Hey."

"Hi," he breathed, shaking his helmet hair out. Eye black streaked his face and his hair was still unkempt.

"You're doing great," I smiled, reaching through a gap large enough and fixed his hair myself.

"Thank you, also wait." He ran back to his Ball bag and grabbed a necklace out of it. "Here, wear this for me while I play. I don't wanna leave it in my bag."

I bit back the grin that was threatening to erupt on my face. "I would love to wear it."

"Hit em out Reece." I said before taking my seat

Reece almost hit a dinger but it was Ian who truly hit the home run and helped us get an upper hand. Reece was at second when Ian hit it out, he took off like the wind and slid into home, followed by Oliver and Ian, securing the win for us.

We all stormed the field. I made a beeline straight for Reece, who was yanking his helmet off. I grabbed onto his neck and hugged him and he started spinning me. "We won!"

"Yeah we did, didn't we? Y'all win too?"

"Yeah we won and someone was pissed." I smirked smugly.

"That calls for a double celebration then."

We pull away while everyone's still going crazy, a few minutes later everyone goes out for the right field huddle and the softball team goes to the bus.

"Kaia? You have a minute?" Ana called from outside.

"Yeah sure, hold up." I threw my bag into an empty seat and went out of the bus. "What's up?"

"You and Reece are close right?"


"Be careful okay, you're my friend and I don't want him to hurt you."

"Trust me Ana, I don't wanna get hurt either. That's why I haven't made anything official. He's pushing for a relationship." I admitted.

"I'm not saying don't, but I heard he's trying to rebrand from player and jerk to boyfriend material. Just be careful okay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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