chapter 14

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As soon as she jumped the wheel of time once again played its game and took her injured body to dwapar yug, this time the once worried krishna ( vishnu avatar) had a pleasant smile and knew the time has changed permanently.

Two months had passed and the pandavas and mata Kunti had settled in the forest next to a river, they had managed quite well . that day however was different for all of them, they all felt a different level of positivity as if something good will happen.

Feeling the positivity Kunti went ahead and asked all five of them to join her as she completed her daily prayer which she never missed since this was one way she would secretly wish for Karn's happiness.

As soon as they reached the river bank to collect water they saw a girl floating through , kunti asked Arjun to go bring the body out. As soon as he did that they observed her body which was full of cuts and bruises.

They also noticed a cut that passed her chest area which was still bleeding, Kunti and her sons all teared up thinking who was so cruel to give her this wounds. They hadn't heard anything at night so how did she end up in the river. And seeing the rate off blood loss that was extremely fatal as Nakul and Sahadev mentioned, they sent a silent prayer that she gets saved.

With all these thoughts, Nakul checked whether she was breathing and they found a faint heart beat. Kunti ordered them to take her to their hut and they treated her, her temperature had rose to an extreme and no matter what they did it couldn't reduce.

While they awaited her response they observed her thoroughly and there was something different about her like her shorter hair, and her body looked stronger then most girls they had seen, and she had a different aura around her, even when unconscious.

2 days passed and finally it seemed like she was showing signs of recovery. He temperature that morning was less, and she regained conciousness in the afternoon.

Madirakshi could feel the pain throbbing in her head, while she tried connecting dots on why she was in that state. She remembered the final blow and her falling off the cliff. Once gaining conscious she tried to figure where she was and while doing that kunti entered the hut.

Happy that the girl was awake she made her sit and once all her sons came back she began introducing herself in sanskrit. Once again Madi was shocked, she thought she was hallucination and blinked a couple of times, she even pinched her arm and realised it was real. Seeing her actions the pandavas were speechless they wondered what had shocked her.

They too introduced themselves with their incognitive names, madirakshi saw their structure and way of standing as they introduced and could deduce that there was something off. So instead of giving her full name she introduce herself as akshi.

After the greeting and her health being checked, she asked about the place and date once again realising she was back in time. She then wondered what was happening around and so asked more about the palace and nearby kingdoms

Soon in about an hour the all too a break for food and she began helping mata kunti who asked her to also call her mata.

While eating they were all joking around and when it came time for some sweets she saw there was kheer and makhan on the side, she tried but couldn't control and as everyone had kheer she took the small makhan bowl and started eating.

Soon they all looked at her eating makhan, she looked so cute and they all were reminded of krishna looking at her, they wonder if she was the one he was taking about and thought they should ask her, the began by asking her about her parents and she replied that she is alone as they died a few years back.

She then noticed that they all looked somewhat divine, so she though that they actually may be the pandavas and decided instead of stressing her self she should ask them directly. She then asked about their dad and they replied he too has passed away. And slowly seeing that she was no harm, they finally opened up and told they were the pandava's making her guess correct.


hey guys hope you are all well, i hope you all enjoyed reading the part. do share your comments and views.

thank you all once again for the support and i shall update next chapter on tuesday.

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi , and wish you all loads of love and good health :) :)


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