chapter 41

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Adirath and Radha were elated with the news and asked for madi to quickly come to their house as their daughter.Karn then decides to drop her back after spending a couple of hours together. Madi stops him in the middle of the forest and before he could protest she takes him towards the waterfall. The view was amazing during the sunset and she hugs him and says I want to spend a few moments with you.

He too hugs her back almost like they had missed this for a long time. They trully belonged and with the sunsetting, they too head to the palace. Krishna who was waiting for madi met her at the entrance and pulled her to the garden saying I want to tell you the reason for your presence here.

Hearing this she frowned and knew if Krishna is saying something it must be serious that he is telling her that right now. So she masked her emotion and asked him to continue.

On the other side karn had gone to his brothers who asked about Ira and he told she has gone with Keshav. The brother nodded while arjun comments madhav was really eager to talk to her.

Krishna held her hands and said she had got a boon in her previous life where she could change any two life from those people who suffer the most during dharmastapna as a result of her penance.

Ira who looks thoughtful at this asks why did I do the penance and if i got the boon why wasn't i just born here, why time travel and take such risks?She was going to ask more questions but Krishna put his hand on her mouth stopping her.

She nodded and he continued saying in  your previous birth you just like the previous ones  once again were a huge devotee of lord shiva, lord bhrama and lord vishnu just as you are now, but your family only prayed lord Shiva and had many problems with any one who prayed the other tridevs.
Because of this each time you prayed all three of us they torture and tried to stop you. But I don't know what it was but you never stopped.

Soon you were of marriageable age and they tried one last time to stop you praying the other gods but with you refusing they had hit you very hard and thrown you off into the jungle. I and the other dev's saw this and were angered lord shiva , lord bhrama and I all were going to appear in front off you and bring you to us but kailash was also being attacked by and asur called narkasur and so only I in my vishnu avatar came foreword and you know what happened?

Seeing her think Krishna continues that young girl instantly wipe her tears and smiled widely, showing her brightest smile and that made me give her a boon. She refused saying I already gave her a boon as I appeared in front of her. But since I had spoken that I will have to give her a boon she accepted and said that I give her immense strength and will power so she can serve me and aid me in my role for dharmastapna when in human form once in her lifetime, accepting that and told her devotion has please me and she can serve me as my sister when I am born as Krishna.

You could say fate was not on her side as one of my other devotee who had been selfishly trying to invoke my presence got a wimp of the girl and in his anger he cursed her that she wont be born in dwapar yug but straight in kaliyug.

At this I was angry but you smiled and took my blessings at that time I asked you why you are not angry, your reply nor only stunned me but also the tridev and devi who were watching from above.

Your reply was 'your boon can not go to waste so why should I worry and I have full faith in you that know one can stop you from fulfilling your boon . So till then I shall prepare myself to be capable enough to help you.'

Madi had teared up listening to this, but said that explains why I am here but how does that make me change the destiny of two people, and I know the two one is draupadi and the other is Karn and there are many others who changed due to the ripple effects of this.

Krishna says , after our encounter you had stated back in the forest and initially did many chores until you found a cave as you roamed around. The cave had pulled you to it and you began a meditation on tridevs and tridevis we saw how in a short amount of time you had prayed to us and gone deep into meditation.

You were so deep into meditation that food water and all survival necessities were long forgotten. On your 101st day all three of us approached you told you deserve a boon for this selfless prayer. And for it you had asked for death.

We were shocked as you said your life purpose was to meet us soon and serve us and once your dead you can do that We felt some different emotion towards you as if the death will also hurt us and so instead we all asked for a different boon.

You were really different, it seemed like your soul guided you a lot , like you knew how the time are only going to get terrible and how someone you love will face pain. so you had asked that you know the future and have the ability to make changes and support the most deserving and yet the one who is a victim of the harsh realities and fight well with the injustice across the yug.

As we agreed to you we saw you vanish into thin air and with you gone we felt a part of ours has left us. Bhrama dev and all of us tried look for you but soon left it as they had duties towards the world . that was exactly before my birth as krishna and during my birth is when we all noticed the change in kaliyug that happened with your birth their we knew your soul was pure and wondered how fate will play it's role in fulfilling the boons.

You can say that your presence has changed a lot of things and we as tridev's too are all bounded by laws so the uncertainity of things limits us from knowing the future.


hey guys,

hope you are all well, i know i haven't updated for a long time but heres one and i shall try update soon. till then hope you enjoy this and do share if you expected something like this or is this a twist you hadn't imagined.

do you think krishna said the whole truth, or is this just the tip of it???

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