chapter 26

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The rest of the pandavas were with kunti and they talk about how Ira is no longer only their heart said sister but also their blood related sister, they all were extremely happy with this news and soon fell in to a content sleep.

The next morning they all prepared to leave for hastinapur, duryodhan to was with them and he had managed to mingle slightly with all of them. Madi had decided to ride a horse. Mata kunti and draupadi were refusing while she did her best cute faces to convince them.

The pandavas and duryodhan where shocked to know she can ride a horse, while the rest of the panchal family to did not know how to react, she did behave well with all of them in the two day period she spent, but they hadn't got enough time to know her at all. Her action made them question her life before coming to aryavat and she had definitely become a mystery for them.

Once they began the journey she talked to all the princes and after a while she went on to talk to mahamantri vidur, the rest were busy and so her conversations could not be heard. She began by asking his health and also whether she can call him kaka to which he easily agreed.

She started asking about kingdoms and tried increase her general knowledge, soon when they came to a stop in the evening she asked all of them to rest while she helped around with dinner. Kunti was strictly told to be seated by Madi and she went along with draupadi. They both talked and had bonded really well.

Draupadi could see why the pandavas and kunti adored her, and she knew that ira was a few months older to her husband making her elder in relation so she started calling her adira jiji like the twins.

Soon she served everyone the food, it was different from what they regularly had as she had made burritos with the stuff available and she told the place she was at used to have this kind of food when travelling. They all enjoyed it and soon went of to sleep.

Madi who couldn't sleep went for a walk and bumped into both duryodhan and bheem who were bickering for one remaining laddo so she silently ate it and when they noticed this she was controlling her laughter with mouth that was full. They too laughed it off and since they weren't sleepy they sat aroung in a circle and she played a word game with the two. Where she says a word and the other two say the first word that comes in their mind.

As they began halfway through the game she saw Vidur come out of his tent and began asking more about duryodhans feeling towards the family. Invovled in the game he spilled out how he hates that they all considered him a bad omen as soon as he is born and even though bheem was born on the same day they don't consider him bad and how his parents also didn't pay attention to him and so he was jealous of mata kunti giving attention to pandavas.

He also tell how his mamashree was the only one who cared for them but has realised with karns help that he is being taken to the path of adharma by mamashree . madi pats him and says always remember evil is not born but created and now that you have realised this work on your self for ur happiness and inner peace.

By now she knew vidur heard all this and could see duryodhan's good side, she could tell he is lost in his thinking and she wanted to have a word with him. So she asked both of them to sleep saying its late and they should sleep for the 3hr that are left.

She once again sneaked out and went to vidur who was still thinking about what he had heard. She tells him she know he had heard them when talking and asks if he wants to share any thing. He is reluctant and so she starts her drama with watery eyes saying you don't consider me your daughter and so you aren't sharing your thoughts. To this he says " its nothing like that just I am not sure if it is appropriate".

Madi then says, " I promise I won't judge and help you out as much as I can, and keeping things inside only leads to unwanted stress which will make you look older so please as a daughter I request you to share your thoughts.

With this he starts by accepting he may have made a mistake and his behaviour towards duryodhan is not acceptable at all, and he too failed as a brother and uncle by believing in the superstitious. Adira smiles at this and says " kaka ones mistakes or wrong things things do lead to failure but does not mean you remain a failure, infact I suggest you follow a baby in this case"

Vidur look at her in confusion and she the says " let me clear it for you , when a baby is learning to walk he falls many times but he will still get up and try, even parents are supportive for this the same way learning from the mistakes and correcting your wrong not only brings you back up but increases your understanding and helps you prevent such future mistakes".

He smiles at her judgement and says "being so young your understanding is deeper than most and your perspective of life is also different , im proud to have known you and having had this conversation I have realised what I need to do, so thankyou for making me feel light." Madi smiles and say a father doesn't thank his daughter only blesses her and then she sends him to bed as well.


hey guys, here's another chapter.

hope you like it and i just couldn't wait to write it down as I wanted a break from the studying.

Well  next update will seriously be after Friday as I am logging off for the 3 days
So see you all again on friday

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