chapter 60

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 The first day was a victory for ira, the kauteyas( this includes all 8 princes and karn as his birth secret is no longer hidden) and the others ( dwarka and panchal siblings). When they planned to use the same technique the next day Ira and sahadev shared a look and he spoke up and said they would be expecting the same and so this time we should use naagastra and ira nodded, that night karn and krishna used their power to summon the nagdevta, vasuki (snake on shiva's ) and adi shesh( sheshnaag who is incarnated as balram) they all requested that the snakes that are launched by the arrows use the medicines provided by the ashwineys inject that into people before disappearing.

This was the newer technique to put soldiers to sleep and they wanted to aim that all the soildier are a sleep by end of tomorrow. The devtas all respected the wishes since it was mainly lord vishnu who was asking for it but also when ira requested this vasuki and sheshnaag were both teary eyed not knowing why seeing her made them emotional but they felt like it was their duty to fullfil all her demands. With them agreeing they disapeared while Ira aksed all her brothers who used arechery to use the mantra and combine the naagastra with the astra to multiply the arrows and the went to all other weapon wielders and toldthem to use a mantra that combines their weapon with the snake and chant another mantra that will multiply the weapon as it is lauched that way all will participate and ensure maximum number of soldiers are put to sleep.

The next day was a shock to all kuru's for they did not expect the rain of snakes and wondered how they were able to release all the snakes at once for they had been taught to combine weapons but when Bhagwan pashurama came to know of how their silence cause Ira to be hurt, he had broken all his relations and denied to accept them as his students any more cursing them to slowly forget two main mantras he taught them during time of need and this is the reason the two elders were shocked when the mantra was applied since the combining of weapons was one of them and the other was using brahmastra and bramandastra which both could be extremely destructive.

With this once again the second day was over and ira, kaunteya's and the other siblings had defeated the complete army with no dead bodies just sleeping figure who would wake up once they fully defeat the kuru's.

The next day the war was gruesome with over half of those at the dyut being killed by all the angered princes and almost 50 of duryodhans brothers were killedand they has 48 more for the next day. Ira knew duryodhans mindset and she along with all the others helped him do shrad and give his brother's souls some peace and mukti with their forgiveness for no dead deserves any grudge according to ira since once dead only the soul remains and it is always the purest form of the paramathma.

The 4th day all prince got even more confident on their win and killed 40 more of the kuru princes, with this shakuni taunted and successfully manipulated bhishma to attack Ira who was unarmed as she is the reason for their kingdom loosing the grand sons and none of the princes had healthy children apart from duryodhan and vikarn who were both disowned. Bhishma worried for the kingdom and his lineage was easily manipulated and attacked ira when all the others were busy and during this time shakuni had called all the rakshas to come take over the war in order to protect himself and duhassan.

Ira saw bhishma aim at her and she purposely let the arrow comcloser, used her power to reduce the speed and force of the arrow so it only toughes and causes minimal bleeding,as soon as her blood toughed the ground she could lift her weapons and finally put and end to the kuru familly for their dharm was lost in ash and it was now impossible to redeem. And as expected bhishma made ira break her rule of no weapons as he cause her to bleed.

All others who had by now noticed the small bleeding cut knew that ira had planned this well for the next moment she summoned karns vijaya and combined it with her gurupit Pashurama's axe the pashupastra and used that to wreck havoc among the remaining princes and also managed to kill Guru dron by having drishtyadumma attack drona, this was because he had to boon to defeat drona with this drishtyadumma had gravely injured Drona finally having left him weak for Ira to kill him.Drona who actually got his realisation by then actually surrendered in guilt and chose to be killed by her using his guru's weapon. she used ordinary arrows only letting the weapon show its power as she killed 7 last princes those who had the combat with her in dyut and targeted dushassan and shakuni at the end.

While doing this the rest of the brothers watched the fight for Ira was extrardinary in her element, the way she walked towards the prey and the fire in her eye brought tremor to dushassan and shakuni who was yet confident the rakshas would be able to protect them. Ira was still away when she noticed the rakshas addition and knowing only the most powerful ones were those that came on orders of Narkasur's sons (papapati and manaspapa ) who like him were over confident on the boons they got since they had asked for death not only from the one who killed their father but also include one who was cursed when innocent for one son and the other sons death should have one who died a thousand times as well so both were confident that they would not find a person who is not in existence but that was fulfilled while they believed that no one yet would die a thousand time and also no one is cursed as an innocent.

While Ira saw all of them she focused on her powers and mindlinked karn to move forwards and merge with her, karn who was standing on the side followed what she said while all others looked on. Merging with karn gave her a surge of powers which she used to summon Guru Sukhracharya who looked at Ira and asked why he was summoned but seeing the rakshas he understood why and asked all of them to return while most respected their guru way more that the king( narkasur's) sons left back to their land, while pappati and manaspapa both blinded by revenge remained and came forward to attack Ira who had by now separated from karn and both went on fighting with the rakshas brothers, the rest of the loyal rakshas soldiers fought with the other princed and a prahar of gruesome and deadly battle caused them all to be killed mainly by bheem, duryodhan and balrams gada.

Arjun, Nakul , Sahadev and the remaining prince all went towards shakuni Duhassan bheeshma and dridhrashtra and attacked on them and managed to kill all of them, it was almost sunset and all the kuru vansh had died, bheeshma who was lying on his deathbed realised all his vows and action have never matched and he had committed countless sins in the name of dharma nd the chances he got to reclaim and repent were all what he threw away and now waited for ira and karn to finish his battle want to ask their forgiveness for him to attain mukti.



here's another update,  

what do you all think? ( really looking forward to more comments at least 15  ( target to have the next chapter by tomorrow.)

also Ira's past seems closer any guesses how the truth is going to be revealed? 

any suggestions???????? ( could bring it in if it fits my imagination)

thank youuuuuuu for the support so far.

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