Dream is not petty.

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- libby -

"No! No fucking way!"

"Listen, all the hotels are booked last minute, you can't cancel your flight, and I absolutely refuse to let you stay in a creepy airport hotel. I refuse."

Liberty Fox was destined to travel the world, and she had finally saved up enough to do so. Suitcases packed, restless spirit equipped with a travel guide, she was prepared for anything- except for a redirected flight.

"He will bite my head off!"

"It's only for one night."

A glittery phone case propped up the voice of her lifelong best friend, George Davidson, who was talking to her through the phone while she did last minute packing. Libby wasn't much of a gamer- in fact they didn't share many interests, but something about stumbling upon each other on the internet eight years ago made them an inseparable duo. In fact, meeting George for the first time was her first stop on her world tour.

"He won't even agree to it!"

"He is too nice for his own good of course he will."

"He's not nice to me."

"I'll ask him."

Hopefully Libby will still get to meet her best friend, but first she has to hurtle one more setback. Her flight was redirected to have a 12 hour layover in Florida. No big deal! Book a hotel! Except for one problem: her flight leaves in two days and all the hotels near the airport are booked.

"George please, he's like my sworn enemy."

"You two just got off on the wrong foot."

"Yeah and have been on the wrong foot for eight fucking years."

Being friends with George meant that Libby often met his friends and was included into numerous group chats. Usually it wasn't an issue, and she made multitudes of new friends through him, with one exception- the green bastard. The green bastard that happens to live in Florida near the airport of her redirected flight.

"It's your only option."

Silence on the line.


- dream -

"No! No fucking way!"

"I feel like I've been talking to a broken record."

"She hates me."

"Only because you're a dick to her."

"She's a dick to me!"

Liberty Fox is the one person Dream can't get along with. The first day they met, she made a joke, it landed dryly, and he made a jab about her being unfunny. That was the wrong move. To this day, Dream blames her ability of not being able to take a joke. But it's not just that. That would be petty. Dream is not petty.

"Listen, I would be happy to be the bigger person here and be responsible and nice and generous and all the things that she is not, but I doubt that she would even agree."

"Well I'm glad to hear that Dream, because she already did."


Dream had been speedrunning when his best friend called him, but at this news his hands flew off his keyboard like he was electrocuted.

"No way."

George almost giggled on the other side of the phone. Dream was sure he was ecstatic over having tricked his two friends into tolerating each other.

"It's only one night, and I know she will appreciate it. I'm so glad you agreed!"

George quickly hung up, leaving Dream's protests and claims of sarcasm dry in his mouth. Why the fuck did he agree to this.

~ A/N ~

Hello folks! It's been a while!

Just a couple things: if you see any grammatical mistakes feel free to laugh, but I am in no way a professional and don't care too much if this story isn't perfect. Also: this is dated and I'm aware! I know Dream and Sapnap live together, but this was written before Sap moved in. Also- heavy language warning, but that might be too late. Enjoy!

Can't Take a Joke? // Dream x OCWhere stories live. Discover now