You're a shit actor you know.

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- libby -

Purple high tops squeak on the aluminum floor as Libby stretches her tired legs. Her heavy eyes scan the luggage claim, impatiently waiting for the familiar glint of pink. Vibrating rattles the lip gloss tubes and random gel pens that litter her purse. Libby pulls it out and mentally prepares to talk to the contact listed as "stuck up asshole".

"Hey Dream." Dryer than dry, clearly showing her disappointment and reluctance.

"Wow you couldn't be polite for even one second."

"See? This is why we can't get along. All I said was 'hey'."

"Don't- just don't get started. Where are you?"

"I'm by baggage claim."

"You don't have your luggage yet?"

"I actually do, I just like to stand here for fun."

"Fuck you."

"Hold your horses, I just landed."

"I hate you. I can't believe George convinced me to le-"

"Wait! There's my suitcase!"

"You really don't care that you just interrupted me, do you?"


Dead silence fills the call, neither one wanting to pick up the conversation. "Where are you?" Libby asks finally, spinning in circles in the middle of the 'arrival' section.

"You look stupid."

"This isn't fair. I can't find you because you are being an asshole and I don't know what you look like. Yet here you are, probably grinning like an idiot while I make a fool of myself."

"So you're telling me the ugly one with the pink suitcase is you? I thought the circus came to town."

"I hate you." Libby stops spinning, having found a possible suspect. He's a blond, average kinda looking guy, but even sitting down you can tell that he is tall. Lounging at the Starbucks stand with a phone pressed to his ear, he acts like he owns the place with a smug grin that makes Libby's blood boil.

"Say something." Liberty Fox demands. "Say something so I know that I'm not waking up to a stranger." The pregnant pause on the phone lets her know that Dream has chosen to play the stubborn game. The blond is looking away, seemingly distracted. "You're a shit actor you know." With a final burst of confidence, Libby hangs up her phone and strides up to the man.

"Dream, stop being a bitch."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

A deep voice catches Libby off guard. Her face flashes hot, a deep fuschia flooding all the way from her ears to the back of her neck.

"I- I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else!" She mumbles her words, fuming and embarrassed. Libby turns away quickly, fumbling with her phone to call Dream back. Thankfully, he picks up on the first ring. As soon as the line connects, the most Dream iconic-dog-whistle-tea-kettle-ugly-histeric laugh fills both her phone and the space behind her. Libby's face drops. Hanging up, the cackle didn't go away and she slowly turned to face the source.

"You bitch, you motherfucker, you absolute foul trickster annoying bastard." Her monotone yet cold string of curses are overpowered by the blond man she had gone up to earlier, absolutely losing his shit. She stands there, accepting her mockery while the man- Dream, attempts to catch his breath.

"Are you done yet?"

"Almost." A final wheeze escapes his lips, but the contempt grin of being successful in his prank seems permanently glued to his face.

"Let's go." Libby is done. No- more than done. Her flight had landed at six pm, so she only had 12 more hours to go with this pretentious fucker.

"What's wrong princess? Can't take a joke?"

At this, Libby stops in her tracks. There it was. The running jab that she was "too sensitive to take a joke". Well maybe she is sensitive, but most of the time Dream's idea of a 'joke' is just a blatant insult to get a reaction out of her.

"I am taking an uber to the nearest hotel." And with that, the girl walks away.

Zero points Libby, one point Dream.

~ A/N ~

First Dream and Libby interaction, how are we feeling? If I forget to upload the other chapters after this, here/now is the space to spam to remind me. Just be careful with the power you wield. 

Can't Take a Joke? // Dream x OCWhere stories live. Discover now