Libby is stuck with Dream.

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- libby -

At the first tone of the alarm that Liberty Fox had checked and double checked the night before, she jolted awake. Although it was only five in the morning, she had a flight to catch at six and this time she's taking an uber. Goodbye Dream, goodbye America, hello England. After repacking the very little that she had displaced and changing into airport attire, Libby checked the status of her flight, as all good travelers do.

Except, what do good travelers do when the status reads "cancelled until further notice"?

"No," she whispers, disbelief melting into panic as she reads the news update.

"Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a travel ban placed on the UK"

This can't be happening. Coronavirus? Libby shook with tears. Ok, don't freak out. No big deal right? Just book a flight back to Montana, sort things out from there. But no, everyone is doing the same thing, and numbers are already being limited by Covid regulations. There are no flights out of Florida for at least a month. Breakdown time. Libby is stuck with Dream. Not even the Hoover Dam would be able to stop the flood of tears that came next. I'm talking sobbing, ugly crying, puffy-eyed meltdown. This was her dream. A spark she had been chasing her whole life, always glimmering in the corner of her eye. And it had died right before she could catch it.

- dream -

Dream woke up as he usually did: at eleven, with sun in his eyes. He grimaced. Yesterday was a nightmare. Yes, he felt guilty for his torment. But something about her just gets under his skin, an indescribable feeling. She was a bug he couldn't squish. Relief softened his expression, having remembered that she left the country nearly five hours ago.

Still, he felt shitty for being mean. To cheer himself up, he decided to make himself a nice cup of coffee and work on a new mod he knew would be fun. His bedroom was upstairs, so to get to the kitchen he had to pass the guest bedroom. No problem right? One problem. The door was still closed. A million thoughts raced through his head at once. Did she miss her flight? Did she break something and is trying to hide it? Paranoia and a gut feeling told him to open the door.

The room was still dark, so his eyes had to adjust before seeing a crumpled figure, still lying on the bed.

"What the fuck."

No answer.

"You missed your flight."

Dream was seething, and each second that passed with no recognition of him being there added a level to his fury. This bitch! She's just messing with my head! But when he stomped into the room he saw that it was in fact Libby, but there was something missing. Something broke; there was nothing behind her eyes, which were swollen and bloodshot. Anger soon melted to concern.


Finally, so quiet you could have missed it if you weren't listening, she explained.

"All flights have been postponed. Indefinitely."

That was all Dream needed to hear. He left the room, flew down the stairs, and started pacing in the living room. He had been keeping tabs on this whole Covid-19 thing, but hadn't thought twice when hearing of her travel plans. How could she be so stupid. No, how could he be so stupid, agreeing to this bullshit. She's stuck in his house. No question about it. 

~ A/N ~

What do you think will happen? This is like the one bed trope but to the extreme

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