Miss Worldwide

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- libby -

George had been tabbing back and forth between his two friends as they refused to speak to each other. Currently, he is with Miss Worldwide herself.

"Stop calling me that."

"What? Do you have a problem Miss Worldwide?"

"Yes!" She giggles. "You make me sound like a female Pitbull!"

Libby is on her way to the airport, tensions being eased by George's relentless teasing. She aches to meet him face to face.

"You know what? You did this to yourself."

Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room.

Blaring from the speakers of the car, Mr. Worldwide is joined by Miss Worldwide's loud yelling, screaming the lyrics passionately as George just groans on the other side of the line.

Two more songs later, and they had arrived at the airport. Libby sighs as the bundle of nerves re-tightens in her chest.

"Are you nervous?" George asks as if he could read her thoughts.

"Nervous, yes, sort of. Excited, more so. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?"

"I'm happy for you, but I really thought you were going to say something about Dream."

"That bitch? I am not gonna let him ruin my life's journey." Dramatic pause. "That is, if I survive."

"Oh shut up you'll be fine. Now, get on your flight or you won't even make it out of Montana!"

With a final breath, Liberty Fox shuts off her phone. It's time to seize destiny. With utmost confidence she grabs her pink suitcase and struts through the automatic doors. If there is anything she knows how to do, it's faking knowing what she is doing. Her custom purple high top converse tap the crowded floors as she briskly goes through security checks and lines that she had rehearsed in her head for weeks. People blur past- it all happens very quickly. Just one blink and Libby is already on the plane, opening her book, wondering what the future holds.

~ A/N ~

What's crackalackin y'all - I have so much homework it's not even funny

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