The Truth

278 13 6

Jenna POV
I wake up and roll over and check my phone. I had one text from Matt simply saying
I check the time 8:30am. I had a doctors appointment in an hour. I still felt a bit sick. But I wasn't violently sick like yesterday which is good I guess. I go take a shower and get dressed. I had red converse shoes on with some skinny jeans and a singlet on with a jacket on top because this rain isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I walk out to the kitchen and grab a little container of yogurt and a glass of orange juice. At this point of staying at Amanda's, I have volunteered to pay rent. Meaning that i now had to shop for groceries. Which didn't mind me because I was looking at a house not too far away from here. I look at the envelopes that were on the kitchen counter and looked to see if any of them were for me. Fortunately there was one. It was a big envelope which read CONFIDENTIAL on the front. I look on the back and it read Property of Steven Moffat and the BBC corporation. It must be the new script. I quickly pick it up and put it in my room. I get to the front door and I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn around and see David. He looks like he hasn't slept all night.
"Woah, hey sleeping beauty" I say almost laughing
"It's not funny, you wait till you have kids. Then you can see how you would feel" he yawned and walked into the kitchen. I laugh to myself then I go outside and borrow Amanda's car and drove to the doctors.
"So what seems to be the problem?" Asks the doctor looking at me kindly
"I was and still am really sick and I was violently ill yesterday"
"Okay, when did this start?"
"Yesterday morning"
"Any drugs, alcohol lately" I shake my head
"No sir I don't drink"
"Okay know 'activity'?" My brain finally catches on
Yeah a few weeks ago, it was a one off thing. I know I'm not pregnant because I can't I was admitted to hospital and they told me"
"There still might be a chance miss Coleman"
"A miracle" he takes some of my blood much to my disgust and started typing on his computer. I was sent into the waiting room where I waited for about 10 agonisingly long minutes. Finally I see the doctor standing in the hall looking at me with a smile. I walk into the room and sit down.
"So?" I ask impatiently
"Congratulations!" I stare at him emotionless
"W-what do you mean? Congratulations?"
"You're pregnant miss Coleman" I start to smile and then I frown
"Are you able to see who the father is?" I have the results right here
"Not that I've aha had been with other men or anything aha" I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"It's Mr Smith. Congratulations!" He handed me the paper along with smile
"Thank you very much"
"Now the morning sickness won't last too long but probably for the next few weeks."
"What about uh filming?"
"Right, because you're Clara okay umm your safe but after the first few months you'd probably have to be careful"
"How can I be pregnant? The doctors up at the hospital told me I couldn't"
"Did you have a disease or disorder when you were little"
"Y-yeah anorexia. Why?"
"Sometimes when you have had a disorder when you were younger, your body won't allow you to have kids. Over time your body heals itself. How long ago was your disorder?" My mind flashes back to the horrible memories to when I was in hospital and the days I spent depressed.
"I stopped just over about 3-4 years ago"
"How severe?"
"I collapsed, went to hospital and I decided to get better"
"Ok so not as severe. Your body hasn't had that much to heal so therefore your can have kids" I stand up and thank the doctor and leave.
I was in the car waiting in front of Matts apartment complex. I had to tell him. It was his kid after all. I turn off the engine after parking it and I took the elevator up. I found his door and knocked loudly on it. I hear talking.
"Ok umm I'd have to call back" it was matts voice
The door swung open to a surprised Matt.
"I've got something to talk to you about"
"Any water? Drink? Food?" I shake my head
"I'm all good" he nods his head and sits in the sofa in front of me
"So what do you want to talk about?"
"I have information"
"Ok....? Your starting to worry me" I take a deep breath
"I-I-I'm pregnant" I open my eyes to see Matts face which was emotionless
"Yes" a grin manages to make its way on my face and matts smile was big and happy.
"How? The doctors at the hospital said you couldn't. You told me"
"Well there's more to me than you probably know" he sits a bit closer to me to signal me to continue
"When I was 14 I was having serious issues. I was having weight issues. There was this one friend of mine that basically forced me into loosing unnecessary weight otherwise I would lose her as a friend. A year down the track I was underweight and was diagnosed Anorexic by the Doctors that my Mum took me to. I was the main reason why my Mums second husband left. He didn't want to deal with an anorexic teenager. One day I collapsed and I found myself in hospital. Along with my friend in the bed next to me. A day later she died from malnutrition. I was scared out of my mind and I tried to change. A year later I found myself healthy again"
"That's when you got the role" I nod my head. He looked in complete shock
"When I was admitted to hospital the Doctors and nurses told me I couldn't have kids. At the time it didn't bother me but it has for a while. That's why I didn't want to have a kid straight away. The doctor today said that it was because my body healed itself"
"Jenna that's brilliant news. Horrible news that you had a horrible past but amazing news that we are going to be parents. That is if your keeping the kid" he looks at me slightly disappointed
"I don't know. I just thought that you had a right to know that your ex is carrying your child"
"Must you say it like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like we have split up and never talked since then"
"I'm sorry"
"Why don't we be friends? Start all over again as friends. How about coffee after filming tomorrow afternoon?"
"I'd like that" I nod my head and get back into the car and drive back to Amanda's
So uh yeah this happened. This was mainly a little bit of a filler chapter but I've been planning this situation before I was anywhere near this chapter. Okay first things first, anorexia. It's horrible. I don't think your body can heal and you can have kids after it. But I thought it would be pretty nice if it could. I also needed an explanation as to why she couldn't have kids in the first place. Anyways.

Have a safe and fantastic day


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