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Jenna POV

Sharp pain in my back was all I felt lately. I was rapidly reaching 9 months in my pregnancy. A blessing I know but a pain in my back. Literally. Matt was off filming for a movie that he has signed on for. Meanwhile I was at home, alone. Not much to do. Can't really do anything at the moment. Too big. Too much pain. But at the end of the day, I couldn't wait to see which gender it was. I was betting it was a girl but Matt thinks otherwise. I hear a knock on my door. I peel myself off of the sofa and go to the front door. I swing it open to see Amanda.

"Jenna! Oh my god, how long?"

"Umm I don't know about 1-2 more weeks last time I checked" I said smiling. I gestured for her to come inside and she stepped in and made herself at home.

"So what brings you here?" I ask making a few mugs of coffee in the kitchen, Amanda follows

"Oh you know, getting away from Brock, just need some time to talk to you before you're all taken with your baby and such. You know I can still see my friend" she hugs me and I hand her a mug.

"So how is Brock doing?" I ask sitting on the dining room table

"He's alright, getting really clingy when I drop him off to mums when I go to work."

"Wow and he's 1. Apparently 2's aren't that good"

"Ugh don't remind me" she says playfully

"Terrible two's" I recite.

"I feel like lounging around and watching movies, got any good ones?" she asks standing up

"Uh yeah in the cabinet next to the TV" I reply smiling, cleaning up the mugs


3 Hours Later

It was 3 hours later and Amanda decided to stop bugging me and leave. I loved having her around, she knew exactly what to do and since she's been in my shoes before, she knows exactly how I feel. We ended up watching Mean Girls and Frozen. Amanda chose Frozen for the hell of it. I sigh in content. I decide to take a nap, which is what I needed. Carrying a baby for 9 months really tires you. Especially being full length and everything. It's a pretty big baby.


I wake up in bed, groggy not exactly knowing what century I was in. Typical. I roll over and check the time. I was asleep for around 1 hour. I roll back over closing my eyes again. Matt won't be home for another hour or so, so I still had a bit of time to kill by myself. Then suddenly my bed felt wet all of a sudden. I shrug it off and continue to attempt to sleep. Then a sharp pain shot through me. Realisation hits me right in the face.

"Oh crap" I say to myself. I was going to give birth. Today. I start to freak out not knowing if I was ready or not. I take a deep breath and dial Amanda's number, all whilst being in a crap ton of pain.

"Hey Jen. Sup?" she says

"I'm having this baby, now" I manage to say

"Ohmygosh! I'll be there in a few minutes. Hang on" She didn't even get a chance to finish her sentence. Her voice sounded triumphant and scared at the same time. Call Matt. A thought rushed through my brain. Matt I dialled his number but it was sent to his voicemail. Of course, he was on set today and would have his phone in his dressing room, on silent. Typical. I manage to make my way to the front door and get into Amanda's car. Luckily for me, the hospital wasn't too far away. It was a while later and I decide to dial Matt's number again.

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