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Kazutora's POV

I finished cutting my hair which looked like a messy wolf cut. It looked pretty cool, I walked out of the bathroom and went towards my bedroom since that's where (name) went. I swung the door open about to ask her.

"I'm done cutting my hair what do you think-" My body froze. I couldn't move. My eyes widened as I saw tears dripping down from her face.

"What happened why are you crying?!" I started to panic, running towards her I cupped her cheeks looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Kazu..." I'm starting to lose my patience. Why the hell is she crying?! I hate to see her cry.

"Tell me! Did those guys in the streets text you or something?! I told you not to pull me

"YOU LOOKED SO CUTE WHEN YOU WERE A LITTLE BABYYY..." She continued crying as she slowly lifted up my baby pictures. Fuck I should've burnt those. I forgot how sentimental she gets whenever she sees a baby. "Was that why you were crying?" I asked her but only got a nod as a response. Letting go of her cheeks I looked at her not knowing what to do.

(name)'s POV

I stopped crying and looked at Kazu's new hair. My mouth dropped as my eyes lit up with amazement, his hair looks so cool oh my god.


"Oh Hah... Thanks"

I wipe my tears away using the back of my palm and played Kazu's hair. It was really soft. I love it so much.

"Oh it's getting late, you should probably go home (name)" He said as he grabbed my wrist gently removing it away from his head.

"Huh? Oh yeah it is kinda late well then I'll see you tomorrow Kazu!"  Waving bye to him I walked out of the room to the living room.

"W-wait let me drive you there"

"Really? Thanks!" I turned around and thanked him with a genuine smile.

We arrived in front of my apartment, unlocking the front door I could still feel Kazu's presence behind me. Turning around to face him, It startled me a bit to see him already staring deep into my eyes. I guess he noticed me staring back at him because he looked away to a different direction while scratching the back of his neck. "(name)." I hummed at him with a questionable tone. "Goodnight, I love you" My eyes widened by what he just said so I just stood still frozen not saying a single word to him. I was about to open my mouth to say something in return but he just gave me a gentle smile and walked down the stairs to his motorbike. Pushing the door open, still speechless. I went over to the closet in my bedroom to change into my pajamas not even bothering to take a shower first and just threw myself onto my bed. Stretching out my arm to grab one of the body pillows on my bed, I scream into the pillow before looking at the ceiling.

"I love you too, idiot."

The next day during class time, I rested my head on my hand as I looked out of the window trying to find something to entertain me because this class is boring as hell.

"Sensei, may I go use the restroom?" I said with my hand raised into the air.

"Sure." My sensei replied without turning around to see who asked to be excused, so I took this opportunity to pack my bags quickly and ran out of the classroom without turning back. I tip toed down the stairs not trying to alert any of the teachers in the school faculty and when I finally reached the school gate, I pulled the gate trying to open it but it was locked. I didn't have the key and there weren't any emergency gates so I had to make a choice, either climb and jump over the gate or just go back to class. Of course I chose to climb over the gate because I ain't gonna go back to that boring classroom, good thing none of my classmates snitched on me which I really appreciate. I didn't know where to go so I just jogged my way to Kazu's house and dialed his phone number. "Hey (name)" He said after I called him "Hii (kazu) are you home?" I asked him "yeah why?" "open the door" "huh? what why? are you in front of my door? (name) aren't you supposed to be at school?—" I hung up before he could ask another question. After what felt like 5 minutes, the front door started to unlock from the other side revealing Kazu in a sleeveless shirt and a long pants with a confused expression on his face. I got really happy so I jumped up towards him and hugged him with my arms over his shoulders. "Kazu~!! I missed you so much!" "(name) what are you doing out of school?! You know it will effect your grades—" He was gonna continue his sentence but I shushed him using my index finger and placed it an inch away from his lips. "You sound like my mom! Come on let's hang out today, it was really boring in class" "But you'll get in trouble if you don't go back to class-" I cut him off by clinging onto his arm with a frown begging for him to go with me "Please Kazu... Pretty please I promise i'll stop ditching school just this one time please!!" Kazu sighed in defeat and nodded his head agreeing to go hang out with me, my eyes lit up in excitement as I dragged him back into his apartment. "Okay but let's get ready first! I don't want to walk around in this tight uniform" I said still dragging Kazu by the arm. "Wha- Your clothes aren't here though!" "Well then I can just borrow your clothes for a day!" I argued back as a huge grin formed on my mouth. I opened the door into Kazu's room, letting go of his arm I ran to his closet and swung it open. "You sit there! I'll find clothes for us to wear" He did like I told him to and sat down at the corner of the room looking at me dig into his closet. After 10 minutes of searching for clothes, I took out two outfits for the both of us to wear. One of the outfit was for Kazu, a plain black baggy shirt with short sleeves and a pair of jeans. For me, I took out a long sleeve white shirt with a (logo/photo or whatever you want) printed on top of the shirt, a pair of black baggy pants to match with the shirt. I threw one outfit at Kazu gesturing for him to wear it as I went to change in his bathroom, after trying on the outfit I placed the chair that was next to the sink and stood on it to see how I looked in the mirror, it wasn't the best but also not worst so I could deal with walking around with the this outfit for the whole day. I went out of the bathroom jogging my way back to Kazu's room where I left him at a few minutes ago. I swung the door open to see him leaning on the wall right next to his bed, sleeping. Tip toeing quietly to him I admired his looks, he looks really cool.. As I got closer I bent down a bit to his level and lifted up his hair that was covering his forehead, for some reason I just stared at him for a few seconds before closing my eyes and slowly leaning towards his forehead about to kiss it when suddenly I felt a hand covering my mouth, I opened my eyes and saw that Kazu was wide awake looking at me with a confused face. I jumped back a little bit embarrassed and felt my cheeks heating up. "You ready?" He asked me with a straight face but I could tell he was trying to hold in his laugh from seeing me turn red as a tomato. "Yeah let's go.." I turned
around trying to cover myself from getting more embarrassed. We got on Kazu's motorbike and he drive us off somewhere. I hugged onto his waist and rested my head on his back.

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