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Walking down the dark streets, the only thing allowing me to see were the lampposts. Chifuyu decided to let me and Kazu take a day off, so I went shopping for new clothes with Hina while Kazu just stayed home doing whatever.

Inhaling the fresh air and exhaling it back out, I stood still for a moment and admired the moon and stars in the sky. It's beautiful.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me, turning my head over my shoulder I saw someone walking towards me, they were wearing a black hoodie and long pants cover their whole body completely. They also had their hoods on so I couldn't really make out their face. Weird...

I continued walking, just ignoring the person walking behind me. They're pretty far away so if they try to do anything to me I can just start make a run for it.

The footsteps are growing louder and faster. Looking over my shoulder again, my eyes widened as I see the person's figure just sprinting to me. Without taking another second, I just dropped the bag of clothes that I was holding and booked it. Nah I ain't gonna die right here right now tf??

A hand grabbed on the back of my collar pulling me backwards. Letting out a scream, I lifted up my arm in the air and threw it back down using my elbow to hit the person's stomach. They groaned in pain and let go of their grip on my collar giving me an opportunity to run away.

Reaching my hand inside my pockets, I quickly turned it on and was about to call Kazu when suddenly in the corner of my eye, another hooded person popped out of the bushes and swung a bat at me. They ended up missing and hit my hand instead, causing me to let go of my phone. I took a quick glance at the hooded person and realized they had a wooden bat with them. In a blink of an eye, they swung their bat hitting me in the head causing me to fall down face first to the ground. My vision is starting to become blurry. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

Everything happened so fast. I wasn't even able to process any of that properly.

Opening my eyes, I saw blood all over my lap. Kinda surprised i'm still alive. I also noticed that my legs and arms are tied to the chair. I immediately tried to scream for help but only muffled sounds came out. There's a piece of cloth tied from my mouth to the back of my head that's preventing me from screaming. "Oh! You're finally awake—" A voice came behind me. That voice. It's so familiar. I haven't heard that voice for years now, I don't remember who it is. "My precious daughter."

Wait. No. It can't be.


Dad walked up behind me and untied the cloth allowing me to speak. "I almost thought one of my underlings killed you! That would've been bad." He exclaimed as he grabbed a chair and placed it a few inches away from me and took a seat, crossing his legs with a mischievous grin on his face. I glared at him, eyeing him up and down. He still looks and sounds the same, except his hair just got a bit grayer. "Oh it's just you." I'm not really surprised since I already expected them to escape from prison. I gave him a dull look and just said nothing as blood dripped down from my head.
"You're not happy to see me?" He asked me after noticing my facial expression. "No, but i'd be happier if you're dead." I let out a small chuckle and received a slap in the face. She's here too? Hah. I recognized that slap immediately. "Don't you fucking disrespect your parents like that, brat." Mom gave me a dirty look as she dusted her hands right after giving me a harsh slap. "You're not my parents." She clicked her tongue as she gave me a dirty look. "Enough. We didn't bring you here to argue with you.","Then why'd you bring me here?" I asked with an eyebrow raised up.
"To kill you." He exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and towards a table nearby. The room was quite dark with only one small lightbulb on the ceiling between me and my mom. I squinted my eyes and what I saw on the table horrified me. There were kitchen knives, butcher knives, an axe, a chainsaw, and all types of torture weapons scattered all over the table. "You prepared all of this just for me? How cute." I scoffed as I began to wiggle my hands to be able to grab my phone and ask for help. Obviously I didn't want to die right now. Mom just sat dad's seat just watching me struggle for a few minutes. "Oh, are you looking for this?" Dad returned back to me waving my phone in his hand with a grin. "You fucker.." I muttered under my breath, still struggling to release myself from the rope tied around my hands. "Hm.. seems like you got a few messages from someone" "Huh?" I looked up at him with confusion, he turned on the phone and shoved it at my face showing me the screen.



(name), are you coming home yet?

Are you done shopping with Hina?

I'm getting pretty lonely here



Why aren't you answering me?

[Missed call from Kazu<3]

(name) answer me

Did something happen?

I just called Hina and she said that you guys are already done shopping

Where are you?

(name) please.

I'm getting worried.

Please just answer me.

At least look at my messages so that I know you're safe.


[Missed call from Kazu<3] x4

(name) i'm serious.

I'm coming to find you just stay where you are.


There were more messages but I couldn't read them since dad shut off my phone. I just stared at my phone with eyes wide opened. Dad moved the phone away from my face and grinned at me again. "Seems like he's really worried about you.. Too bad he's gonna find you dead." "Who sent those messages?" Mom asked dad, her arms crossed at she leaned her back on the chair. "Kazutora."

I'm a bit surprised he still remembers who Kazu is. "The little kid that was arrested for killing a bike shop owner? Seriously? (name), you're still friends with him?" "Shut the fuck up. Don't you mention about that incident. And yeah i'm still friends with him, what about it?" I glared at her and began to wiggle my hands again hoping it would loosen up the rope a bit. Blood still dripping from my head, slightly tilting my head to the front in order for the blood to not get into my eyes.

"Enough talking." Dad said as he reached into the pockets of his pants for something. He took out a gun. Seriously? A gun? What the actual fuck? "Your life ends here. Any last words?"

He pointed the gun to my head with a serious look plastered on his face. A smirk formed on my lips as I answered him, slowly closing my eyes. "Yeah, suck my dick."


I just found out that Ran Haitani is gonna die in the last arc wtf Ken Wakui☹️ Ran didn't do anything wrong why is he gonna die😕 He's too hot and sexy to die

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