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"We meet again, (name)." His eyes staring back at mine as I took small steps backwards.

"Mike—" I was gonna say his name but got cut off by a hand placed on my mouth, and my arm being pulled back. "Sorry sir, it an accident! We'll get going now have a nice day!" I looked up to see Kazu slightly bowing his head down with a rather.. awkward grin. He dragged me through the crowd, he has this nervous expression plastered all over his face but I decided to not say anything. I guess he realized that person was Mikey, too.

I can still feel Mikey's presence behind me. He's staring at us. He's following us with his eyes. I can feel it. It's scary.




I felt a slight sting on my forehead causing me to come back to my senses. "Ouch.." "(name), we're home" Kazu said as he unlocked the front door. "Ah.. Yeah let's hurry so we can go to pet shop." He nodded, walking to the kitchen with our groceries and began putting them into the fridge.

After we were done, we went back out of the apartment to go to work.

The entire day, I couldn't think about anything else except about Mikey. I haven't seen him in person for so long. I miss him. I want him to come back to us. Talk to us. Hang out with us. Even if it's just for a bit. I'll cherish it, I'll cherish every second of it. I just want him back.

"(name), are you alright?" Yuzuha asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Huh?" Looking up, I turned my head left and right and realized that we (Yuzuha, Hakkai, Hina, Takemichi, Chifuyu and Kazutora) we're sitting in a circle playing with the shop's cat. It was already almost closing time so we just decided to hang out and joke around with Yuzuha and Hakkai to kill time. "Yeah, i'm fine don't worry" I gave her a smile and picked up an orange cat that was laying on my lap and played with it. The others didn't think much of it and just continued their conversation until it was time for everyone to leave.


Poking my food with a fork as I just stared at it, and of course thinking about Mikey. I wonder if Mikey still thinks about us every now and then. "(name)" Kazu's voice calling out for me, making me snap back to my senses and hummed as a response.
"You've been spacing out a lot today, is there something wrong? Do you feel sick?" He asked me as he took a sip of water from the glass cup beside his hand. "No i'm alright.. I'm not hungry anymore." I stood up from my seat, grabbing my plate of food I walked over to the trash bin and threw it away then placed the dirty plate into the sink. "I'm just gonna go to bed early, come into my room if you need anything." I told Kazu and walked out of the Kitchen, to my bedroom.

Plopping my body on my bed, I reached my hand out to the edge of the bed and grabbed the tiger plushie that Kazu won for me at the arcade. Hugging it tightly, I let out one last sigh before drifting off to sleep.

I randomly awoken up in the middle of the night for some reason. I didn't know why I woke up. I snatched my phone from the mini table beside my bed and turned it on to check the time, 1:02 AM. A groan left my lips as I laid my head back down on my pillow to go back to sleep. But I couldn't. I couldn't sleep. I'm not tired anymore. And since I didn't want to just stare at the ceiling of my roof all night, I got off my bed, put on a jacket and shoes then got out of the apartment. I didn't wanna wake Kazu up so I had to do every one of those quietly. I'm planning to take a short walk then return back to the apartment. I wasn't sure where I went, I just let my legs do its thing. I don't care where it's bringing me, I just want to kill some time.

CONNECTIONS, H. Kazutora Where stories live. Discover now