Kuoh academy part 2

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Stepping down his feet once again on Japanese soil felt like a novelty experience after being away from the country for so long, but it paled in comparison to the shock of seeing the figures in front of him.

Griselda had told him that upon his arrival, she had arranged for trusted individuals to guide him towards his lodging where he would stay for the completion of the mission. Of course, said mission was not something that he was obligated to fulfill, yet he was also grateful for all the efforts Griselda had done on his behalf, and so followed though with it. And even if he thought more on the matter, there really wasn't anything else he could do at the moment. With the voice in the necklace still silent, he was at a loss as to what to do next. It was unquestionable that one of his main objectives was to find a way back to his world, but at this point, he no leads aside from the fact that he and the necklace were both transported by the creek of the old Church. From there, it wasn't difficult to gather that there was a purpose in his close arrival near the Church. Even more so when he recalled that the necklace had prompted him to seek refuge in the Church in the first place. As such, until the necklace spoke out once more, he was resigned to working along with the Church so long as their principles don't stray too far from his. It was a win-win sort of situation. Where he would be running errands for the Church while at the same time, relieving himself of the debt over his shoulders and his decision in regards to Excalibur. For the sake of the memories he had with Saber, he felt that he owed it to her to see the blade to completion.

In that way, at least he would have no regrets should he somehow return back to Fuyuki.

Yet back to present matters, the so called 'individuals' Griselda had informed him of before hand were truly too eye-catching. In fact, apart from the wryly smiling man standing a distance at their side, the rest were entirely dressed up in the white exorcist cloaks that Xenovia insisted was appropriate combat gear after the experience in the Dimensional Cross. After all, the long cloaks had minor enchantments that provided some deal of protections without sacrificing too much versatility. Besides, knowing Xenovia, she was a practical sort of woman despite her questionable common sense. For example, she didn't even react to the numerous stares on her person whenever she travelled out, and that was in Italy. In Japan, the streets were far more crowded and as such, the stares could only be more piercing from a larger audience. Yet Xenovia, that thick-skinned woman, probably wouldn't even have had noticed a difference.

However, it was true that Xenovia was unique. In fact, the majority of the cloaked individuals appeared quite flustered being at the center of attention.

Inwardly, he couldn't help but try to understand why they would wear such clothing if they themselves were too embarrassed to wear it? And hadn't Griselda advised him not to wear anything related to the Church? Then why would they, but not him?

"I apologize," the man standing a distance away from the cloaked individuals stepped forward while pushing the glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "Would you accept it if I said we were short on time?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, it was clear that a strange tension filled the air as the cloaked individuals stared at the man in disbelief.

"T-Teacher, how could you say that, this was all your fault!" One of the cloaked figures accused while pointing a finger. Clearly, she had her grievances with the situation.

The man straightened out his sleek dark-blue coloured tailored suit, and acted as if he had heard nothing, replying back absently that it was only a matter of perception and that the man could not be blamed for the circumstance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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