What You Said

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Did you rip their heart out
Beating in their chest
The answer you told me
Was,"of course, yes"

Did you flay their skin
While they were still alive
The answer you told me
Was," yes, they survived"

Did you torture them
Did you hear them scream
The answer you told me
Was," yes, it amused me"

You told me
You did it because
You weren't free
You took out your anger
In everyone around me

We kept you hidden
Until you burst out
All your anger and depression
Just running about

You said it wasn't your fault
You said it was mine
For keeping you locked up
All this time

You kept ranting about
How I ruined your mind
Until I told you
That you don't have a mind inside

You were ruined
By tenth grade
When your parents
Gave you away

We kept you inside
So you have time to think
Not to let yourself
Drown and sink
In this plague
We call life
Now go back
And do what's right

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