Part 2: Future Insight

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Just after sunrise the next morning, everyone started loading their bags onto Anthony's ship.
Splatsquad and Anthony would be the only ones traveling to Rio until the beginning of March, when the qualifier rounds would begin. For the time being, the team would spend time getting to know the lay of the land, when the games will take place, and who their competition is this year, possibly making some alliances between the rivals this year.
If they could get some alliances, it would not only make the qualifiers easier, but also create life-lasting friendships. In the previous year, they had met a team that called themselves Dexterity. The four of them were chill with Splatsquad and were only looking to have fun instead of competing for glory in the arena. Meggy and Mario especially got along with the team leader of Dexterity, named Ethan.
There three of them had spent some time getting to know each other and their teams while in Miami during the Splatfest of 2023.
Meggy was hoping that they would make their appearance at this one too. It would not only make the competition more fun, but it'll make their stay even more enjoyable.
Maybe they would meet other teams too that would make the trip better than ever before.

Meggy: Alright...All the luggage is aboard. When do we take off?

Anthony: We should be ready in thirty minutes. Before we head to Rio, I need to take a small detour.

Douglas: Where?

Anthony: You remember Pronged, right?

Aliya: Oh god...Who can't forget him? He's crazy, but entertaining.

Anthony: Well I need to make a quick pit stop on his ship currently on the dark side of the moon.

Douglas: Hold up...Are you taking us to space!?

Aliya: That's a massive detour! And the moon!? That's super far away!

Anthony: It won't be an issue. My ship's overdue for a Warp Reactor change.

Mario: What the hell is a Warp Reactor?

Anthony: It's one of two engines in my ship.

Douglas: This ship has two engines? I thought it just had the big one in the back.

Anthony: How do you think I get to locations across the world or to the moon in mere minutes?

Aliya: *gulp* That sounds fast.

Anthony: It'll only feel like your body is being liquefied if it's your first time.

Douglas: That sounds pleasant!

Aliya: No it doesn't!

Douglas: I'm being sarcastic.

Anthony: If you want to stay here, I can be back in a few hours, but I really need to get this thing changed out. It's overdue by a few months.

Mario: How often do you need to change the engine?

Anthony: Normally, every twenty years, but since I'm flying up to see Triton a lot lately, and putting a lot of pressure on the engine, I'm bringing it down to every five years. All it takes is one too many warps and my engine could implode on me.

Mario: ...Awesome...I definitely feel safe on your ship now.

Meggy: Won't we need space suits or something to keep breathing up there?

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