Parting is such sweet sorrow

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As the days came and went, the new couple was becoming a frequent topic of interest. Meanwhile, Reki developed his new skill. Slowly, the boys began spending less time with each other.

This fact held onto to Reki's heart, he wasn't sure how to process the distance between them. His emotions manifested themself in his mind. Although, all of these blossoming feelings went into his work.

His tricks slowly got easier. After a while, Reki seemed to be ready to use this move in a real competition.

"We're proud of you Reki." Cherry began, complimenting the younger boy. The two had been watching Reki practice in the area that 'S' took place.

"You've done well, built up a some muscle too. Congratulations." Joe spoke proudly. Reki had a slight tint of red on his face from the praise he had received.

"Have you been telling Langa about your progress?" Cherry asked promptly. He was never sure about how to calmly bring him up.

"We haven't talked in a while." Reki responded. His expression has immediately dropped at the mention of his "best friend".

"When was your last conversation?" Joe questioned.

"A while ago. We don't ride home from school together anymore. Ema asked him to start walking her home." He huffed, drawing a stand of hair away from his face. "She sits with him at lunch; she hangs out with him during breaks."

"The last time we spoke, it was about Ema." He continued while speaking under his breath, "It's always about Ema."

"Who's Ema?" Cherry asked, setting Carla down by his side.


Just looking at the photos seemed to singe reki's heart. Tucking his hands in his hoodie's pockets, he chose to remain quiet.

"Reki, it's been a long time. You have to tell us something." Joe coaxed, trying to draw a statement out of Reki. "It may help you feel better."

Reki screwed his eyes shut, trying not to say anything that would push either of them away. Cherry and Joe obviously cared. They had been distracting him long enough, so Reki decided it might've been time to tell them.

After some heavy internal debate, Reki decided that speaking to them would be for the better.

"Ema is-" he began, attempting to unload the heavy burden that weighed on him. Though, he seemed to have been distracted by the giggling of a happy pair behind them.

The laughter itself wasn't what pulled him away from his thought, it was something about the familiarity of it. He moved his head around the taller men to see who had been making the noise.

Once he identified them, a stone set in his stomach.

"Ema is right over there."

The men turned their heads as well and were shocked. Langa had taken Ema to 'S' with him. Their hands were locked together as Langa talked Ema through riding his skateboard.

Something had shifted in Reki's mind. He struggled to watch them, to look at them, to stomach the pair. His body shook with an emotion that could only be described as pure anger.

They repulsed him; he couldn't stand them.

The couple seemed to have noticed him, now making their way in his direction. A flash of red shot through Reki's vision, he now resembled a raging bull. He turned his back and began walking at an accelerated pace.

"Reki!" He was sure Langa had called out to him, though the redhead refused to turn back and look.

"Reki!" He exclaimed again, a bit louder this time. Nothing could be heard but the sound of his feet picking up speed.

"Reki, it is you." Langa had finally caught up to him, grabbing Reki's arm lightly.

"Could you do me a favor? I want to borrow your board so I can show Ema-"

"Of course." He thought. "Ema. No 'hello' or 'how've you been?'"

It has to be about Ema.

"Langa, it's getting late. I have to go home now."

"I know, but Reki-"

Interrupting his words, Reki jerked his arm away from Langa's hold. The way his hand rested Reki's arm set him ablaze. This was a feeling that wasn't usually associated with Langa's touch.

It used to fill him with ecstasy.

He now felt utter disgust.

"I have to go. Night, Langa."

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