Love is hard to explain

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"Langa, darling."

Warm, sweet breaths grazed Langa's neck, sending an electrifying chill down his spine. The word 'darling'  fell on his ears like syrupy honey. Langa struggled to evenly pace his breaths as two angular hands rested on his shoulder blades from behind.

"I'm happy I'm here with you." Elegant fingers made their way up Langa's back, lightly caressing him as they stroked his skin. "I'm so sorry things went the way they did. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I can. I'm sorry too." Langa responded quickly. Two limber arms snuck their way around his waist, pulling him back into a calming embrace. Langa fell on a cushioned couch, still attached  to the other warm body. Smooth fingertips raked their way though baby blue hair.

"I love being like this with you, Langa. I love everything about it," Langa leaned into the touch, eyes slowly drooping closed, "I love everything about you."

"I love you too, Reki."

With a gasp, Langa awoke from his rest.


It's a well known fact that dreams are often fleeting. Too many times have people tried to think back to their late night findings and come up with nothing.

Though, in Langa's case, the exact opposite had been occoring.

After his rude awakening, the boy soon realized that he was going to be late for school. By rushing out of bed and trying to get himself together, he was at least able to suppress the dream for a while.

This did not work for long.

As Langa rode to school, wisps of the night's memories swept by him. When walking though the school's halls he couldn't help but feel phantom hands stroking his back and brushing through his hair.

Everything was so vivid, the details remained clear in his mind.

"Are you paying attention?"


Langa and Ema were sitting in Langa's room. They were supposed to be going over Physics, but it was quite prevalent that only one of them was reviewing.

"You seem so out of it, ever since that fight thing with Reki you've been off. Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?" Ema questioned, setting aside their textbooks to focus on their conversation.

"No, you haven't. I've just had a lot on my mind, I'm sorry if I haven't been present."

It had been about 3 weeks since the competition. Reki had undoubtedly won, shaking the 'S' community. No one could believe that the undefeatable Snow had finally been taken down.

Every day, the gap between the two boys grew wider. Reki had gained more friends at school, people that Langa hardly knew existed. Though, before all of this had happened he did assume that he and Reki were off living as the protagonists of their own world.

Silence soon loomed over the couple, thickening by the second. Ema exhaled and moved closer to Langa, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You've been so preoccupied lately, you should take a break." She began, lacing their hands together. "Come with me to a party this weekend, okay? It'll help you relax."

After a breif moment of thought, Langa gave his response.



"I shouldn't have come." Langa thought to himself as the hundredth person bumped into his already sore shoulder. Intoxication overtook the partygoers as they lazily stumbled around, doing whatever or whoever they wanted.

Incidentally, I fell for you - RengaWhere stories live. Discover now