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April woke up a long while later. She sat up on her bed, looking outside her window. It was dark, the moon at it's highest peak, shining brightly, illuminating her room.

It was breathtaking.

She scanned her room, seeing a dark figure on each of the three bed.

She got up, yawning and brushing off her jeans.

I need to change that

She made a mental note and tip toed out of the room, making sure not to make any noise as she stepped out of the room and shut the door.

She walked down the hallway, her socks muffling the pitter patter of her small feet.

She walked into the kitchen, carefully and opened the fridge,the light illuminating the small area. She cringed hard at the sudden squeak of the fridge door.

April let out a sigh of relief, grabbing a water and closing the fridge door.

She tiptoed back to the hallway. As she was about to round the corner, she heard voices, talking, arguing.

April followed the voices and it led her to a double door that was slightly open. She peeked through the crack in the door and squinted, her legs rubbing together as she bent slightly.

"-and she hasn't been adopted, so she goes tonight". Tanya said

"But she isn't even eighteen yet" a voice said. It was more manly than Tanya's.

Who the hell is she talking to. April thought.

"Whatever, just.." she sighed. "I'll get rid of her, one way or the other. Now get out of here before you wake the kids or something"

April eyes went wide as she scrambled to get out that area, hitting box in the process. It fell and everything inside it was scattered around the hallway.

She looked around the area frantically. Having no where to hide, she jumped behind the hallway curtain and stood still holding her breath.

"What was that" the man whispered.

"I don't care, maybe one of the kids got out of bed. Now get out of here before one of them spots you" she whisper yelled.

April breathed a sigh of relief. She waited a little while longer till she heard the door click.

She poked her head out of the curtain. She huffed and ran out of the place and into her room, shutting the door.

"That was close" she said, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She let out a breathy laugh and walked to her closet. She took out a shirt and shorts and put it on.

She then threw her shirt in the hamper and threw her jeans of the chair. It wasn't dirty, but it wasn't clean either.

She then laid on her bed, cuddled up to her teddy bear and cried.

The morning came by quickly. April woke up in a bad mood, and to top it off, she had a splitting headache.

Her sisters weren't in bed,that she noticed,but where could they be on Wednesday morning. She checked her phone and her eyes almost fell out of her head.

It was three in the afternoon, and it was Saturday not Wednesday.

April was UTTERLY confused as to why she got the date and time wrong.

Was she dreaming?


She didn't know.

She got up from her bed, rubbing her green eyes and stretching. She grabbed her towel and made her way to the bathroom, stopping when she saw a figure in front of her.

"Hey April" he beamed, hazel eyes sparkling.

"Hi Tyler"

"So......I was wondering, since we just met and all, I would like to know more about you" he said.

"Okay, sure, whatever" and with that, she pushed past him and into the bathroom, shutting the door.

She groaned in pleasure as the cold water hit her skin, calming down her nerves. The water flowed through her hair and down her back, and into the drain. She washed herself and her hair and stepped out of the shower.

She tied her robe around her, a towel round her head and walked out of the bathroom.

She stepped into her room, little drops of water falling on the carpet, and opened her closet. She took out a pair of black leggings and a pink hoodie with black converses. She put her hair in a high ponytail, dabbing her face with power and a little lipgloss, and walked out of the room.

She walked into the living room to see the girls braiding each other's hair and the little boys watching TV, while the older boys were huddled up and talking.

April smiled as she saw Tyler wave her over from the group of boys. She walked over to them, careful not to trip over the toys laying around.

"Glad you're here" he smiled at her. She sat on the floor and crossed her legs, returning the gesture.

"Guys, this is April" he said. "And April these are the guys, introduce yourselves".

"I'm Myron" a boy with Raven black hair and blue eyes said.

"I'm Oliver" another boy said. He had light brown hair and green eyes.

April smiled at all of them, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"Don't feel threatened, we are here to guide you around here so you don't die or anything" Oliver said and she giggled.

"But seriously though, you're gonna die in this house if you don't get adopted before you're eighteen" he said.

April looked over at Tyler to see a sad smile on his face. She was confused for the second time today and Myron laughed at the look on her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked Oliver.

"I mean we all know what happens here when someone is t adopted before eighteen, right?" The boys nodded their heads.

"If you don't get adopted before you're eighteen........you die, literally" Tyler said, his frown deepening.

"You mean we die? Like.....they kill us?" She asked, freaked out now

They nodded slowly.

But she was still confused though, only one question running around her head.

"But who kills us?" She looked at the boys individually, desperately.

They looked at each other, contemplating, calculating. They trio looked at her, three pairs of different coloured eyes looking at her.


Sorry for the late update. I was really out of ideas😞 and would like some help.

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