#34 Past Tense vs. Present Tense

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I just wanted to say sorry for not updating in a week. I haven't really been busy just lazy. oops.

So today I felt like talking about the tenses again. Past and present. 

So, when I write a story, the present tense comes more naturally, but I kind of like to read in the past tense a bit more.

See, when I read a story in the past tense, it feels like it's actually more of a story because somebody is telling me what happened and all. But when it's in the present tense... I don't know, it just doesn't feel as right.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like any kind of book no matter when tense they're in. Like, I have obsessions with the Divergent and The Hunger Games series. Oh, and omg Insurgent came out yesterday kthjltfyihjdlrtkjhrlt6iohujdrtlyijgedoirfhjelriguhifg;oeisugrlibdfuxkhbldktuhgsdkjgrftfuivlghsdrgjhdgiduhtrgdxf I didn't see it though. what a downer.

When people write in the present tense and I see this, I just kind of laugh a little.

As I'm eating my big jug of icecream, I don't notice the giant monster with big green eyes staring at me from outside my window.

Heh well obviously you did because you just explained it lol.

But if you write in the pat tense it's okay.

As I ate my big jug of icecream, I didn't notice the giant monster with big poop brown eyes staring at me from outside the window.

You're telling the story about what already happened, so ya.

Tell me what you guys think in the comments! And don't forget to vote! ;D

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