The One With The 'Camping'

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a/n: any requests? Also sorry for the long wait lol

"Come on car, you can do it! Come on car, you can do it!" Bucky, Sam, and Steve chanted as the car struggles driving on the forest floor. They were all on their way camping, as a 'summer treat.' They said it was a treat, when really it was all they could afford. The campsite they were headed to was in the middle of the woods, with no direction except for a narrow lane with grass growing in the middle and twigs everywhere; and considering that the car is an ancient, third-hand, huge Volkswagen Beetle, it was seriously struggling.

"You guys sound like a cult," Natasha said, headphones in, "I can hear you through my music."

"Yeah, can you turn that down? All I could hear was doom doom doom when I was trying to sleep," Sam said. Natasha ignored him and continued blasting her music.

Two minutes later, there was a loud thunk from under the car and it stopped moving.

"What's happened?" Natasha said.

"So you'll take your headphones out for this, but not when we needed to google where we're going?" Sam said.

"Shut up," Steve said. "The engine's totally gone bust. The campsites too far away, we gonna have to stay here guys."

"Ex-uh-use me?" Bucky said. "I am not sleeping in the car."

"I didn't say that. First off we gotta get this car out of the road. Everyone out!" Steve said, suddenly becoming the organiser. Bucky, Sam, and Steve all go around the back end of the car, and I sit in the driver's seat, still with headphones in. I don't want to have to listen to them as long as I can help it. The other's push the car and I do my best to drive it, off the road and into a small woodland clearing by the side of the road. I sigh and get out.

"Well what now?" I say.

"We set up camp," Sam says. "Me and Buck watched a Bear Grylls documentary the other night, so we got this in the bag, don't you guys worry about it."

"I was literally in the army guys," Steve says. I would bet I know more about survival than all of them combined, but I hold back and watch them struggle. Sam and Bucky are like an old married couple with their little fights. Steve walks over to me. We sit down on the bonnet of the car.

"Sorry about this," he says. "This was meant to be a nice weekend for everyone."

"It's okay," I reply. "I guess this makes it more of an adventure." He still seems disappointed. I get that he's sad we won't get there, but it's not that deep. We'll camp here instead.

"It's okay, really," I try to comfort him.

"No, it's not," he says. Sam and Bucky aren't listening, they're too busy arguing over tent poles. "I was going to-" he pauses, as if contemplating saying what he wants to, "-I was going to ask you to dinner tonight." He looks down, kicking leaves.

"Oh, right," I say. "If it's any consolation, I would've said yes."

"Really?" He asks.

"Of course," I reply, trying to give a comforting smile. He meets my gaze and we hold it for an awkward moment, until there's a shout.

"I give up!" Sam yells.

"Me too!" Joins in Bucky. "I'm not setting up the other half of this tent, two people can sleep in the car!" Sam throws the crowbar onto the ground. Why or how they needed a crowbar, I have no idea.

"Okay, well, you guys get to choose, since you set it up," Steve says.

"DIBS TENT!" They both say in sync.

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