the one witb the triangle (pt2)

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A/N: yes I've changed perspectives and tenses cause it was easier. Apologies in advance for the probable potholes

The sound of the jet engine forces me to cover my ears. Lighting up the runway, lights reflect the fuselage that's plastered with the Stark Industries logo onto the wet, dark, concrete. I stay inside the doorway until the plane comes to a halt, and then I fix my hair before going out into the night.

My high-vis jacket that was fished for me from the lost property box in Tony's air hangar is at least two sizes too small, hugging my waist and providing no warmth over my thin top.

"You should take a jacket" Bucky would always say that, and I'd never listen. And every time he was right. A part of me wished he was around to say it before I left tonight, but he was on a date. Even the thought of it makes my insides curl up, when I know I shouldn't feel anything of the sort. I try and focus on the present as I approach the jet where the steps are being attached.

He's been gone for so long, I'm afraid it won't be the same anymore. Won't be the same quick remarks in conversation, the same jokes, the same...feelings. He probably met someone on his mission, I could never guarantee what he felt towards me before he left, and I know there's plenty of women out there better for him and with his luck, I'm sure he found one somehow. After all, I figured he wouldn't care for me anymore anyway, so I...

"Don't' you make me wait any longer for this, Romanoff"

For weeks I've anxiously wondered if Steve should know, since nobody else realised what we were doing. It was a secret, almost a guilty pleasure. I hate to admit it. Last night I barely slept, I was so worked up about how Steve might react if I told him about Bucky. I mean, he's a good man - hell, he's Captain America - but I'd hate to hurt him like this.

Despite my distressed thoughts, I pull myself together and take a deep breath in as I approach the steps. The door to the plane opens, and with the lights behind, I see the silhouette of him for the first time in over a year. He hasn't changed. Why would he have? Same ridiculously slim waist, same broad shoulders; my thoughts drift to Bucky's chest at the sight of Steve standing above me. Surely they're not that different, what with the serums and all.

He doesn't see me for a minute. He hauls his case down with ease, and as he's balancing it on the steps in front he spots me waiting below. His frown softens when we make eye contact, and leaving the case behind, he walks towards me.

I can't help but smile back as he opens his arms when he reaches me. Walking into his embrace feels like coming home. The sense of comfort overwhelms my feelings as he holds me tight; my head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck and his arms are like a warm blanket over my freezing shoulders.

"Welcome back," I say, as the hug breaks away. I'm immediately colder and try not to show how I'm attempting not to visibly shake from the breeze in the air.

"Thanks," Steve replies. He looks around, a comical expression on his face. "I don't see my welcome party anywhere."

I laugh. "You're looking at it, Steve. Everyone else was either away, or busy, or-" They weren't. They knew he was coming back, but it's so cold out and it's been snowed in at the tower, so nobody wanted to leave. I couldn't miss Steve though. Not after everything that's happened. I wanted to be here for him, wanted to be the first face he saw  when he came home. Or the first face his new girlfriend saw. Who apparently doesn't exist after all.

"It's okay," he says. "I'm glad you're here." He turns to pick up the case that the flight attendant brought down for him, and I almost catch him saying, "I wouldn't have asked for anyone else."

"What was that?" I say, as we turn to walk into the air hangar.

"Oh, nothing," he replies. "Just that coming home from a mission was a bigger deal in the 40s." I laugh. "I guess times have changed."

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