Chapter Three

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(Jungkook's P.O.V)

I frowned, when I saw the familiar girl at one of the big tables, chattering around happily.

There she was. A smile on her face, brighter than the sun. Her well toned, yet very skinny body in a short red dress that showed way too much skin. Her long hair was up in a beautiful bun, a red rose in her hair.

That really sounded like I had a crush on her. But I didn't. In fact, she was the worst human being I've ever met and I'd have been glad to never see her again.

I held Taehyung's hand even tighter. "It's fine, as long as she doesn't see us." I whispered, giving him a reassuring smile, but the worry in his eyes didn't vanish.

"Are you sure? We don't have to stay, you know..." He asked worriedly, but I shook my head.

"No, we'll stay. She can't hurt us anymore. I'm fine, okay, Taehyung, calm down. Even if she sees us," I took a deep breathe, shuddering at the thought of that, before continuing, "I'm pretty sure you'll protect me, no?"

The end if his lips tugged up into a small smile, concern still showing in his eyes. "Yup." He replied, placing his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled at the warmth of his body next to mine.

"Well then, follow me please." The waiter said, a friendly smile on his lips. He walked over to a table and we sat down. He took out a small notebook and a pen. We ordered, before he headed back.

"So, honey, are you feeling a bit better?" My mother asked me, her eyes filled with worry.

"Ah, yeah, I guess I just didn't sleep enough last night, that's why I was tired." I gave her a reassuring smile, which she returned.

"That's great honey." She said.

My eyes wandered from my mother to the person next to me, Taehyung. He was talking to my father, smiling happily. Just seeing him smile made me so happy.

After a while, the food we had ordered finally came. I stared down at the food, suddenly remembering Hana. I frowned. I lost my appetite from just thinking about her. I took a sip of my coke, before putting back the glass.

"I'm going to the restroom." I excused myself, before hopping up and headed to the restroom.

Inside, I walked over to the sink and splashed water in my face. I dried it, before groaning.

I shouldn't let Hana ruin this evening, I told myself as I left the restroom, looking down at the floor.

The sound of a door closing came to my ears, just a second before I bumped into someone, losing my balance and falling on the floor. I hissed in pain, the impact of my butt on the floor hurt.

"I'm sor-" I wanted to apologize, looking up, but I was cut off by the sight in front of me.

There she stood, staring down at me with a wicked grin on her red colored lips, yet surprise showing in her eyes.

"Oh, look who we have here," She said sweetly, placing her hand on her hip. "Cute little Jungkook." She let out a soft giggle, not bothering to help me up.

"Hana." I said deadly, glaring at her with the most evil look on my face.

"Oh dear, don't look at me like that. It was your fault to begin with. You shouldn't have trusted me." She let out a laugh, covering her mouth with her small tender hands. "By the way, I didn't think I'd see you here. Is that pathetic excuse of a human being here, as well?"

I knew who she meant, and I didn't like it at all.

"Oh, are you talking about yourself? Because you're the only pathetic one here," I retorted, finally standing up and fixed my clothes.

The amusement in her face faded, leaving a serious expression on her beautiful face. "Oh, Jungkook, we both know that's not true. Don't you think it should've been Taehyung, who was hurt to the point of taking his life? Don't you innerly blame it all on him, don't you wish he was in your place?"

My eyes widened at her stupid assumptions. "Hell no. I'm glad it is the way it is, because if it hadn't been like this, Taehyung would've never admitted his love for me." I was so close to snapping at her and I really wanted to punch her dumb face. But I had more self-control than that.

I heard a small 'pft' before Hana broke out laughing. "What the hell? Taehyung, loving you? That dimwit would never!"

Okay, scratch what I said before. I snapped, raising my hand and slapping her right across her face. "Do. not. ever. talk. about. Taehyung. that. way. ever. again, you hear me?!" I yelled, rubbing my hand on my black pants.

Hana removed her hand from her hip and immediately placed it on the side of her face that I'd slapped. I could see tears forming in her eyes, but I really couldn't care less. Nobody, and I mean nobody talks shit about Taehyung. And I didn't mean that she said he would never love me, because I didn't care about that either; I knew she was lying, but she called Taehyung a dimwit and he really wasn't.

The shocked expression on her face soon faded into one of anger. "What the fuck?! You dared touch my beautiful face! You'll pay for this!" She yelled in her annoying high-pitched voice, before storming off.

A sigh left my mouth, as I leaned against the wall. What the hell was that? Why was Hana so horrible?

I groaned, before heading back to our table. I sat down next to Taehyung, who was having a happy conversation with my parents. When he noticed me not even a second later, I felt his hand taking mine under the table. I looked up at him, to see him looking at me with a worried expression.

"What took you so long?" He whispered, just for me to hear. I sighed again. "I ran into Hana..." I started, but was cut off by his hand squeezing mine just a bit too much.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, obviously worried but I waved it off.

"I'm fine. She might've insulted me but I don't care. As long as she doesn't insult you..." I felt my cheeks heat up, when my boyfriend smiled.

"She can't hurt us anymore," He repeated my words from earlier, making me smile as well.

I rested my chin on his shoulder, taking a deep breathe. "You're right." I said with confidence, squeezing his hand back.

The rest of the afternoon went well and we didn't run into Hana again. My parents and Taehyung talked a lot, I didn't say much. I sometimes threw in a few words when they were asking me, but that was it.

After my dad had paid for the food and drinks, we made our way back to my parents car. Taehyung and I sat in the backseat again, while my mom went to the passenger seat. My dad drived us home and we didn't talk anymore. The last thing I felt before I drifted off to dreamland, was Taehyung's hand wrapping around mine once again.

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