Chapter Ten

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(Taehyung's P.O.V)

"Yo, Tae, wake up, dork."

I groaned and threw a pillow at my roommate, Hoseok. "Five more minutes, please.."

"Fine, if you want to be late for class. I surely don't." He angrily said and went into the bathroom.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. Right now, it was 6:57 AM. God, what problem did he have? Class didn't start until short before eight.

I anyway forced myself out of the bed and sighed at the sight. The room was messy as always, even though you would've thought it was easy to clean since it was so small. There was barely any space for all of our stuff. The two beds were placed in two corners, each with a small nightstand and a lamp. Then, there was a closet with all of our clothes in it and a small bathroom with a toilet, a sink, a mirror and a shower.

I stood up and followed Hoseok into the bathroom. "You sure don't seem tired even though you were out all night with your boyfriend."

He then noticed me and rolled his eyes at my comment. "Shut up."

I stuck out my tongue and went to our closet to find clothes for today. I put on black jeans and a plain light grey t-shirt.

After that, I went to clean my teeth and comb my hair. Then, I took my bag and put a few books in it.

"Ready to go?" Hoseok asked me, as I noticed he had also gotten ready. I simply nodded, as I threw my bag over my shoulder.


At school, the girls were fawning over me as always. Winking and smiling at them, I was pulled through the crowded hallways by my buddy.

"God, Tae, can you please not flirt when we have class?" Hoseok asked, obviously annoyed with me. I grinned at him, "It's not like I'm interested in them, geez, stop being so jealous!"

He shot me a glare as I innocently smiled at him and we arrived at the classroom. He opened the door and thanked god that the teacher wasn't there, as he pulled me inside.

"Hey, Taetae!"

I turned around to see my other best friend's girlfriend standing there, smiling at me sweetly.

I smiled back at her, "Morning, Hana!"

I then felt Hoseok pulling me along with him to our seats.

Just at that moment, the teacher entered the room and started the lesson.


"Tae, are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Hoseok asked me, sitting on his bed and typing something on his laptop, not even caring to look my way.

I raised an eyebrow, "What party?"

"Y'know, the one at my boyfriend's house."

"Ohhhh," I grinned and let myself fall on my bed face-first. "Dunno, will there be cute guys?"

Hoseok chuckled and closed his laptop before looking at me, an amused look in his eyes. "A lot. For example, his best friend is quite the cutie."

"Hmmm." I thought for a bit. I didn't really like party since I couldn't stand just the smell of alcohol and girls always tried to touch me and do the nasty. Ew. Just to get this straight, I'm not.

"I'm going." I blurted out. I mean, if there were going to be cute dudes, why not?

"Good, I'm gonna tell him you're coming."

He took out his phone and typed something, before putting it on his nightstand. Then he fell back on the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

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