Chapter Eleven

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(Hyunwoo's P.O.V)

I was talking to Seojun, though I didn't listen much to him, as I intensely stared at Jungkook talking to Seokjin on the couch. He was smiling and laughing and so was Seokjin.

I wanted so much to just go there and just tell Jungkook everything. And when I said everything, I meant absolutely everything.

"Hyung, you're not even listening to me!" Seojun whined, looking at me in disbelief. My gaze shifted to him for a moment, before I quickly looked back at Jungkook. Seojun knew how I was feeling. It was killing me on the inside not to be able to tell Jungkook. Because I knew; even though he was looking happy right now, deep down, he was sad. Anyone who looked into his eyes could tell the despair and pain in them. I wanted so much to just go there and tell Jungkook everything. And when I said everything, I meant absolutely everything.

Seojun sighed, resting his hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile. "Hey, don't overthink it too much."

I couldn't help but look at him again. He was now leaning his forehead on my shoulder. I looked at his beautiful big brown eyes, as he looked back into mine, a small smile on his lips. He was looking super cute like that and I couldn't help but to wrap my arms around his waist and hold him closely to me. "I'm sorry, I can't help it." I whispered and he chuckled. "It's fine, idiot."

"Please don't tell him," Seojun whispered almost inaudibly. I shook my head slightly, "I won't. I'm not in the position to. But I don't like seeing him hurt so much." I admitted.

"I know, I don't either." He said, "But we can't change it. If fate wants them to be together, they will be."

I sighed a bit too loudly and held him even closer to me. "I know that's true, but I feel sorry for them...Well, him, since Taehyung doesn't remember."

Seojun lifted his forehead from my shoulder and pouted at me, looking incredibly adorable. "He's supposed to, though. What the hell went wrong?"

I shrugged, not taking my arms off his waist. "Honestly, I have no idea. I wish I did, but I don't."

I looked back at Jungkook, who was now being pulled up from the sofa by Jimin. But...wait. There was another person standing besides them and I recognized the person immediately; Kim Taehyung.

"Honey, look." I said, pointing at them. Seojun turned around and smiled widely when he saw Jimin running away, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone to talk. He then turned his head to me and grinned. "Told ya, it's fate."

I grinned back and pecked him on the lips; something I rarely did. He blushed, but smiled and hugged me tightly. Oh lord, he was so cute...

(Jungkook's P.O.V)

I was sitting on the sofa, talking to Seokjin about my 'dreams', when suddenly I felt someone's hands on my wrists, pulling me up to stand. I looked at that someone and saw it was my best friend. He was looking at me excitedly, looking like he was about to burst in happiness. And what he said next had my jaw drop and my eyes widen: "Jungkook, look, Taehyung!"

I looked at the person who was standing next to Jimin and it was indeed. This wasn't possible. So it really wasn't just a stupid dream?

I ripped my gaze away from my...I had no idea, to be quite honest. It didn't look like Taehyung had recognized me, so it would've been weird to have called him my boyfriend. But we weren't exactly strangers or friends either...

Anyway, I looked back at my best friend and gulped. "J-Jimin...this is..." I said, stuttering and not being able to form a proper sentence, for my boyfriend who I had thought to be a god damn dream was just standing right in front of me.

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