Chapter Fifteen

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(Jungkook's P.O.V)

School. That was exactly what I needed right now. Not. I just wanted to stay with Taehyung all day.

But I had to go, if I wanted to or not. And I figured, this way, Taehyung could catch up on some things with his mom.

So, the next day at school.

I shut my locker after having taken out a few books for my next few classes.

"What exactly happened to Taehyung?" Jimin asked impatiently but I didn't answer. I would tell him later, he just had to wait for now.

I made my way to my next class without saying a single word to Jimin, who just pouted at me. But I didn't bother that, I was busy with something else.

I closely watched everyone's moves as soon as I entered the classroom. Nobody looked at me so I could just walk to my seat without trouble.

But something was definitely wrong. Something was going on and I had to find out.

After a few more minutes of me observing my classmates, the english teacher finally came and started class.


"C'mon, Jungkookie, please tell me what happened to Tae~" Jimin said, pouting, biting into his sandwich. I sighed and held my hands up in defeat, "Okay, okay."

He cheered shortly before staring at me curiously. I told him everything, from the bus to the hospital, and when I mentioned his mom, Jimin's expression darkened. "Wasn't his mom dead?"

"Apparently she made him believe that somehow," I answered thoughtfully. The rest is for Taehyung to tell you."

"Fine," Jimin said, taking another bite of his sandwich. I wasn't eating anything; I wasn't hungry, which was weird enough, as I was basically always hungry, but I let it go as an exception, not bothering to think any more about it than necessary.

"When can Tae go home?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'll ask him later," I answered truthfully. "Unless you want to come as well, of course."

"Of course I do, duh," Jimin said, finishing off his sandwich.


After school, Jimin and I made our way to the hospital, as Jimin was talking to Hoseok over the phone.

"Of course I'll tell him, honey," Jimin said. 'Honey'...They were still so lovey dovey as always, which I found...very cute, actually.

After a long walk, we finally reached the hospital. We walked inside and straight to the elevator.

As soon as I opened the door to Taehyung's room, Jimin ran inside and tackled my boyfriend. "Tae! You're okay! Hoseok and I have been worrying so much!"

I ignored them as soon as I saw Seojun standing there. I raised an eyebrow and walked over to him. "Hey, why're you here?"

"I was waiting for you." He answered shortly. I snorted, before walking over to my boyfriend. I hugged him tightly as his arms wrapped around my waist. "I missed you." I whispered, pressing my lips on his forehead. He smiled, "I missed you, too."

We spent hours talking and laughing, before I realized it was already late. "Hey, Jimin. We should go, it's getting late and visiting hours will be over soon."

"Yeah, you're right." Jimin agreed, hugging Tae once more, before running out of the room. I hugged Tae and kissed him deeply before letting go. "I'll miss you."

Seojun grabbed my arm, looking at me sternly. "Come with me, we need to talk after you've dropped off Jimin." Woah, I'd never seen Seojun like this. Wasn't he rather the cute and shy type, or did I see that wrong?

"Bye, babe~" Tae sang, making my cheeks heat up. Babe. Whenever he called me that, I felt my heart skip a beat. I loved him so damn much, I just wanted to stay with him the whole night. But I couldn't.

"Bye," I said, before Seojun pulled me out of the room and we met Jimin outside. We left the building and made our way to drop Jimin off. The whole time, I was wondering what was so important that Seojun had to talk to me now instead of at school tomorrow.

"Bye, Jungkook, Seojun!" Jimin yelled as he walked inside his house. I sighed and waved, before turning to Seojun. "What is it that you want to talk about so badly?"

"Taehyung. You want to know why this whole thing happened, don't you?" I froze at his words. Did he know the reason?!

"Yes, I do," I answered, "Do you know?" Seojun sighed and nodded. "Let's talk about it at your house, okay?" I nodded and we made our way to my house.

"I'm home, mom!" I yelled, before hearing a muffled 'welcome home' from my mom. She was in her room, it seems.

"Come," I told Seojun as I led him to the living room, telling him to sit on the couch, before I sat next to him. "So?"

He cleared his throat shortly, looking unsure. I repeated myself a little louder, making him sigh. "The reason why he forgot is-"

Suddenly, I couldn't hear him clearly anymore. My vision was blurry and every sound was really muffled. I felt dizzy as I tried to understand what Seojun was telling me.

And then, everything went black.

And then...and then-

I woke up...?

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