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Today was the first official day of classes. I think it was also the most boring day of my life, don't get me wrong. I'm happy to be here but nothing happened today. Other than seeing Dylan for the first time in a while, nothing.

But I guess I was ok with that. I want to focus on myself and do that with no distractions. Football was one of my passions and I wanted to go through with that. Even if it meant leaving my sister and family.

I didn't focus on myself as a kid. I still don't, and I'm not proud of it. I wouldn't say I blame it on my parents but they put me and my sister through hell.

Out of everyone in my family, I think I'm going to miss my sister the most. I guess it was the fact that she was just always there. She's one year younger with the brightest personality I know.

Even when bad things tend to get in her way, she lets them get to her, she gets through it and moves on.

It's one of her biggest motives, "Keep going" or "You got this"

That is one of the reasons why she's my favourite.

That's the type of person she is. Logan was my favourite and always will be.

We both went through our problems but I think the most important thing that happened throughout our life was our promise to stick with each other even after every fight, every misunderstanding, every argument, and every family argument.

We promised each other and I don't have any intentions of ever breaking that promise till the day I die.

I'll take it to my grave.

-flashback 2 years ago-

Sitting in the corner of your room with your sister while all you can hear is screaming from the outside has to be the worst feeling.

"Ethan?" Logan asks softly. I turn to her and I see her watering eyes.

This was nothing new for my family. It practically happens everyday.

"What do you think will happen now? This has to be at least the 7th time they've fought this week and it's at least the 7th time we're sitting in the same spot." She asks.

What do I think will happen now? Nothing. They're both going to wake up tomorrow like nothing happened like they always do. Nothing will ever change, They leave us there to the side like we're 2 feet tall.

I don't understand it. They fight over little things and they never seem to get along.

"Honestly? I don't know at this point." I reply honestly. I've never once lied to my sister. I never could. I know that her being one year younger makes it a lot better for me. She understands when I talk and I understand her.  My parents would just say something stupid.

"You think they'll ever stop?" She asks, already knowing the answer.


We sit in silence. Well, not complete silence due to the arguing outside of my shut door.

"Promise me something?"

"Of course," I tell Logan without any hesitation.

"Never leave me? And promise to never let go?" She questions.

"You know I wouldn't do that."

"I love you, Ethan." She gets up and hugs me while sobbing into my chest.

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