scholastic morphine

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scholastic morphine


maybe I will miss your voice in my ear. maybe I'll miss having something in my corner, for sure, for true, at my back and beck and call. misstep, forgot - I do miss it. you smell like brimstone and skyscrapers. you smell like blood and sacrifice.

where I'm going, you told me I needed you. full arsenal. turns out you were just diluting my best potions and poisons. what a trickster, taking advantage of an absolute fool. I'd rather die than let you have me again, your gold-tipped claws. god, it gave me such a rush. what a fool.

it was the holy grail and opportunity - you said immortal and I salivated, the years already weighing in on me. you told me the pain would ease, holding my gaze as I walked towards cliff's edge. it feels like falling when you fly you said. you're flying so high! so was fucking Icarus.

kept maintaining. kept up the face even with failed therapy and even more failed antidepressants. your face is illusion and I finally decided to keep staring.

maybe one day when I'm a proper addict we'll meet again. I'll take you down with me.

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