800 nightmare rd

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800 nightmare rd


holy forces above us, o detrimental undoings, my hands are shaking. my dreams betray me.

of course I still love him, I'd never dare stop. but I've been trying to step forward for eons, and still you plague me.

you took him from me, so why are you bringing him back to me every night? why do I have to be torn away from him with the closing of my eyes? it's been almost eight hundred days since we said our last real words to each other.

i'm still being buried alive, aren't I? I guess I deserve it, since I was the slight cause of our undoing (even though it wasn't I that cut the cords, but a partial judge. fuck the system). shaking, shaking, still really shaking.

I wonder, did dabbling in light conversation get you worried? that your starry eyed pair would never reconcile? I've been at your knees before, but now I spit at you. you truly were the judge, weren't you? splitting hearts apart so damn easily.

regardless of your "heavenly" intentions, he still turns away every. single. time.

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