I will always catch you if you fall

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“Open your eyes”

I open them and we are in some abandon broad way type dressing room. He takes me in front to the stage. I see a red bed, props and a few dead flowers. Looked like something from Romeo and Juliet. I walk around.

“Ray are we even allowed to be here?”

“Maybe… not. Does it matter?”

“I am not going to jail. I will seriously blame it on you.”

“They won’t believe your vampire  boyfriend brought you here.”

“Well… hey!! Since when did you become my boyfriend?”

“… they would assume I’m your boyfriend.”

I squint my eyes at him. Me? Have a vampire for a boyfriend? Stuff like this would never cross my mind. I mean I’ve always had a fascination for them. But I always viewed them a certain way. Meeting Ray kind of changed my view on them. Yes they still drink blood. But people fail to see that they have feelings. Even after they died. They are the living dead with feelings. So I guess they are just like us.

“Why would they assume though… like enlighten me”

“I don’t know… they would figure. Humans are always judging and assuming.”

“Point taken… you know I always wanted to get into acting. Didn’t get the chance.”

“I think you would make a lovely actress”

“You haven’t even heard me do a skit…. Now look who’s assuming”

“There is a difference between assumptions and a sincere opinion”


He walks over to the bed. He looks at me.

“What are you looking at now?”

“I’m distracted by your dress”

My dress? He gave me this dress. What, he doesn’t like it now? I swear he confuses me.

“uhm… you laid out this dress for me on the bed.”

“I know…”

“So what’s the problem?”

“I prefer you didn’t have it on. When I look at something beautiful I like to see it as a whole.” He smiles. I think he does this on purpose. Where does he get his material. I bet he had a bunch of vamp chicks behind him. I for one am not going to fall for this. No sir.

“You say that to all the vampire chicks?”

“I prefer my girls alive not dead.”

“Oh well then you’ve used your little pickup lines on humans”

“Yes… one human in particular”

I walk over to him.

“Oh who was she? Do you still see her?”

“She is breathe taking. I love everything about her. It hurts to love her this much. But I don’t mind the pain. I mean what’s a little pleasure without a little pain” he smirks.

“You must really like her… What happened?”

“She was pursued by another vampire…”

“Oh… did he take her away from you?”

“Are you always this slow?”

“WHAT?!? I asked you a simple question. I don’t know anything about her geez. I won’t ask you about her anymore.” I turn and walk to the edge of the stage. Staring at the empty broken seats. The stage was pretty high. I bend a little to see how high it was.

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