The Party

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I was at home contemplating if I should go to this party that my friend Sandra has been yapping about for the past week. I’m not one to go out and party all the time. I prefer to just stay at home and read a good book. I’m not the nerd type. But I enjoy peace and tranquility. ‘’Violet?! Hello?’’ I immediately recognize Sandra’s voice. ‘’I’m in here!’’ I said. I look out the window to see if she was dropped by a friend or she just came here by bike. ‘’Hey girl how are you?’’ she said. ‘’I’m good… I see you didn’t get dropped off by some strange person this time’’ She squints her eyes at me. ‘’Those strange people are my friends, okay?’’ She slowly walks over to me and hands me a bag. ‘’What’s this?’’ I take it but I don’t open it. I just look at her with this please-don’t-tell-me-you-bought-me-something face. ‘’Go on open it!!’’ I do as I’m told and I see a strapless black dress. I sigh. ‘’San… you are not serious’’ She smiles. ‘’But I am Vi!!’’ She always showered me with gifts. I never could quite understand why. I knew that we’ve been friends for like over 14 years. I never showered her with gifts. Only because I never knew what to get her. ‘’You know my birthday is like months away, right?’’ ‘’I know but this is what you’re gonna wear to the party tonight.’’ I frown. I really didn’t want to go. I don’t do well at social gatherings. I’m always the one standing in a corner wishing I was at home on my cozy bed reading a book or writing. I mean I would rather watch paint dry. Am I asocial for thinking like that ? hmm… Maybe. ‘’Vi… you’re coming with me to that party. Look it’s going to be fun. We’ll meet a bunch of boys… and dance and drink-’’ ‘’San you know I don’t drink and I’m not good with the opposite sex.’’ She looks away all dreamy. ‘’well… you’ll have me at the party… don’t worry. There will be music playing so we’ll dance our butts off.’’ Correction. SHE will dance her butt off. She always gets picked on by guys. But she doesn’t seem to be too interested in them. It puzzled me sometimes. She would turn down some of the nicest guys. I think she is attracted to dark mysterious guys. But she turns them down too. Especially when they want to get serious. “San… I don’t think I’m going to this club party thinga-ma-jig.’’ Her dreamy look disappears. ‘’You always do this to me’’ She sits down next to me and looks at her hands. “Why?’’ she asks. Must I explain to her my asocial nature… AGAIN? ‘’Maybe next time?’’ She rolls her eyes. ‘’that’s what you said the last time.’’ True. I did say that the last time. I hate it when she gets sad. She knows how much of a sucker I am. So I gently tap her on her shoulder. “Fine… I’ll go.’’ She jumps up off the couch. ‘’Really?!?’’ I nod my head yes. ‘’I promise… you’re gonna have a good time.’’ Oh that promise she always makes and it always gets broken. “So uhm this party… what is the theme? I know you like going to these weird dark parties. Please don’t tell me it’s one of those parties’’ She grins. ‘’Sorry…’’ I quietly grunt. Going to this “dark” party is going to be very annoying. Because for one… everyone is going to be depressed and drunk. You think you would go to a party to relieve your stress. Instead I’m going for a depression additive. “Vi… ??” I look up at her. “Do you believe in the supernatural?’’ Oh no. It’s not only a depressing gathering but it’s also a place where harry potters and twilighters will be. I have nothing against those stories. I really enjoyed reading those books. I will admit I am somewhat fascinated by Vampires and Werewolfs. But its not real. “I’m not wearing any fake teeth or whatever…’’ I said. ‘’You don’t have to… because real wizards might be there and even… night walkers.’’ She gets all dreamy faced again. I hate to burst her bubble, but nightwalkers? She has got be kidding herself. “Oh goodie… I might meet harry potter there… oh and maybe I might see a unicorn too!!’’ I say sarcastically. “maybe we will see a unicorn!!’’ “I was being-” I stop and smile. “do I really need to wear this dress?’’ She grabs my hands and leads me upstairs. “YES!!! Now come on we need to get ready’’

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